Town of Salem has ISO Now

Legit just have Xblade ask somewhere

ez done

this suggestion is not more important than all other suggestions tho

And we’ve done surveys on other suggestions

I don’t see the issue

A little very loud minority: yes pls do that
A little loud majority: don’t bother us with that
Most players: wtf is an ISO


That’s how QoL works

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Do you want ISO?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

yes option will be majority in this thread

Ik but it would be interesting how many forumers bother with it at least

Not particularly interested in playing along with this meaningless game

Oh boo you made it hidden

I was gonna shame the yes voter

If you actually can come up with an argument for how this is anything but changing the subject I’ll consider it

But like


  1. I knew you gonna shame :smiling_imp:
  2. I think not even most forumers are bothering with wanting ISO implemented in tol, but I could be wrong
  3. Having an exact number of players interested in ISO, even if forumers, would be cool

But it was someone on “my side” :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways tbh I don’t much care what forumers have to say via anonymous poll

If people want to answer fine I guess

But like


Really? I found @anon97870008’s reasoning against implementing ISO kind of insulting to everyone’s intelligence.

Veteran players are already used to skimming the chat log and picking out the important bits, and are in fact less likely to use this feature, as their are more likely to pay attention to the context surrounding a player’s words.


There is no “chaos strategy” that would suffer from ISO. As soon as someone makes a claim, everyone’s writing it in the right page of their logs, so claiming 5 different classes on 5 different days as a “chaos strategy” wouldn’t work now, even without ISO.

If by “chaos strategy” you meant … spamming, that doesn’t work now either, without ISO.

If by “chaos strategy” you meant something legitimate, like all 3 unseen claiming paladin, that wouldn’t fare worse with ISO than now.

I bet ISO is one of those things everyone’s adamant isn’t going to happen, but suddenly one day bam, it’ll be there.

There are a lot of reasons against ISO… just a few here.

  • It removes legit chaos strats. and this is HUGE. ToL would be basically a different game.
  • It removes being able to lay low, both as evil and as good

Priestess you’ve said before you don’t keep track of much info in-game because you’re a laid-back player, and I’m not hating on your playstyle, but maybe that’s why you have the illusion there is some magical “chaos strategy” that works without ISO that wouldn’t with ISO.

It’s not ISO that counters spamming fake claims, it’s writing down important stuff in your logs so if someone contradicts themselves later you won’t be fooled.

“I’m bleeding” - phys claim

Is this what you mean by “chaos strategy”?

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The only hurdle I could see that might add some difficulty is the user interface and trollbox. I say that having a modicum of developer experience, but obviously no clue about ToL code.

I imagine ToL ISO as clicking in chat on the Player Name [1] part of their message, which hides all other chat messages (and collapses the now empty space).

And clicking the name again to restore the hidden messages.

To copy messages as usual one could just click on the message part instead of the name part.

It would feel more clumsy to me to have to use the interface that Mystic chat and System chat does. It’s slow on my computer anyway.

If the winrates of vets went up only when BD after implementing ISO

Nope. Not at all. Chaos strategy is “accusing people for several days for different (not obv false) reasons”, changing your logs midgame, powerwolfing, misleading the court on purpose, and such
It has not much to do with claims, since people write claims down. But people rarely write down your logs, remember them (or even read them, it’s BD :wink: ). But with ISO you could quickly check if the logs are consistent with what he said earlier.

I’ve talked with quite some people about that, it’s not my list, I just gathered the arguments from quite a few people
if you want, I can tell them I guess?

Do remember that the time it takes to ISO every player is the same as the time it takes to just re-read all of the games messages anyways.

So if you are being ISO’ed, that means the player already specifically wanted info on you in particular. So if a chaos strat you are doing is outed when you are ISO’ed that means you messed up such that someone felt the need to ISO you.