Town of Salem has ISO Now

If you are suspicious of a player and want to reread his messages, rn you need a lot of time cuz you need to read ALL messages (or at least to skimm them).
If you are suspicious of a player and ISO exists, you need a really little time. And that’s the purpose of ISO, right? And that’s bad.

This statement fails to follow from any of your previous statements here.

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That’s exactly why its a balance suggestion and not a qol suggestion.
And you never showed me in any way that ISO would be not bad for balancing.

i mean

i’ve tried to tackle this, but it seems to be such a formless proposition that I don’t quite understand what you’re saying. I mean, obviously you think that making things easier for the village is the same as making the village stronger (I’d argue it isn’t), but what’s crucial is that as you say, Social stuff isn’t as important in ToL as it is in FM. We make it marginally better for people to look up information, and all that’s changed is that the villagers get a very slight boost, and the wolves also get a slight boost looking for softs and implications.

it’s such a negligible thing!


the wolves gain something from the filters existing, and so do the villagers. it’s such a negligible swing that it would barely impact winrates at all, instead just raising the skill ceiling for the few players that would use it. i don’t really get what you’re trying to say about this specific issue any more. it feels like, as has been said, a dumb battle betweenn two fallaciously opposed concepts

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I think a player changed his logs midgame. I’d like to check it in the history, but tbh I have no time for that and I just don’t.
With ISO:
I think a player changed his logs midgame. I do a quick ISO, find him guilty, copy+paste the relevant lines and get him executed.

1: why was their claim not written down in your own logs/notes

2: finding a posted will takes half a second because they are blatantly obvious


I’m not sure what that guy claimed, but it’s too much of a hassle to go back and check, and none of my buddies know who he is either, but I definitely remember him claiming something, I was just distracted.
With ISO:
Ah, I know! I can ISO them and quickly find out if I was right or wrong. Turns out they were a Princess with a guilty, glad we know what we’re up against now!

oh look it benefits wolves too



In particular


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I wrote his claim down. I didn’t write his whole logs down.

I still have not enough time to do it midday.

Having literally done this hundreds of times I think you’re just slow at it :man_shrugging:

Not to mention nighttime exists for this kinda thing and is also probably when an iso feature would be used most

okay I forgot to write the claims down at daytime, cuz I had to focus on the stuff which got written.
RN: I have time to write a few claims down, but not nearly enough. I def forget a few.
With ISO: I quickly ISO any player whose claim I didn’t have written down and write it down.


Do you see any potential downsides to having ISO be implemented aside from obvious “it costs developer resources”?

Also I wonder what your thoughts are on this argument

I think there is something to be said for not encouraging going back to past posts, which would be a result of having an ISO feature. In irl mafia, you also cannot rewind what someone has said, but then you are almost making a different social deduction format too if you did something akin to Priestess’ suggestion with deleting chat from past days. Also it’d become a memory exercise too with how focused on mechanical solving ToL is.

Meeh as I said 70/30 still.

that like
benefits wolves just as much as it benefits villagers

It doesn’t even significantly do that, because I know for a fact those filters already exist. It’d just be a matter of adding the UI to a thing that is already a thing in reports. I see no significant downsides.

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Finding people better who faked logs? How does that help scum?

In fact there was a decision I would say its almost balance neutral. It was to show which players died at nighttime and which at daytime.
It helped BD because it was easier for them to find scum faking logs
It helped scum to fake logs.

Entertain me with an insignificant one then. :wink:

You found the NK! Congratulations! You get village credit!
You found an FPSing villager! Congratulations! You killed the Prince!
You recovered from your mistake in not writing something down! Congratulations! You now have more information!

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You found sarcasm! Congratulations, you found Icibalus.

speaking of “helping wolves to fake logs”, having access to reasons for your fake actions at night to justify your decisions on trial sounds pretty good, don’t you think?