Town of Salem has ISO Now

Then it’s 60/40 and not 50/50. Doesn’t matter. You try to get as closely as possible to it. And ToL tries NOT to.


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I think “”“ToL”""FM was 60/40 in favour of wolves, although I could never really be sure how that game would turn out thanks to all the bastard in it.

Some metas should be discouraged, but overall the balance in ToL rn is pretty perfect.

Every possible starting condition has some expected winrate for each faction, swing is the difference between the extremes.

Swing is not variety, although it is necessarily caused by it. Since some distinct starting conditions will still have the same (or nearly the same) expected winrates.

Swing is also not QUITE the same as balance, since balance mostly refers to the sum of all games in general, while swing is in the scope of the individual games.


I want to have ToL deviating as much as possible without being completely unfair for any side.

Why? What’s the benefit of doing that over having variety where the different starting conditions still have the same expected winrate for each side?


If we would want to stop swing, we would do role list.
Rolelist is boring as hell.
Swing is great.

that’s not what we’re talking about!


honestly I think ToL is pretty well-balanced for “average” players but falls apart at the extremes

if you make every player on both sides a Good Player :tm: BD will win almost every game sheerly through mechanical PoE and that’s kind of an issue


So you are neither talking about deviation nor about variety.
What are you talking about then
I have studied statistics :eyes:

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“Swing is bad” != “Removing Swing is the 100% top priority and we should eliminate it at all costs”


Or is the kind of swing you mean “the game lasts as long as possible”

no, swing is just the potential difference in expected winrates due to the random nature of the starting conditions.

Isn’t that… deviation?

No. It’s the result OF deviation, but it’s not the deviations themselves.

What is swing then

I already defined it.

the range of possible winrates.