Town of Salem has ISO Now

The difference between the peak point of deviation minus the normal winrate?

it’s not a deviation, it’s the full range. you want that to be as tight as possible. at least, in my opinion.

like you want it to be tight in terms of numbers, but contain a lot of different permutations.


Why the fuck would you want to have a tight deviation.
That’s removing most of the fun of having sometimes an easy play, sometimes a difficult play, thx to the starting setup

The reason we have swing at all isn’t because swing is good, but because the specific methods of reducing swing often cause more problems than the swing itself causes.

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because having your chances of victory differ hugely (i’m talking like 30/70 as opposed to 45/55 here) based on randomness is patently not fun

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But swing IS good.
Swing means you have variety.
Without a great swing (while keeping the game relatively fair) its boring as hell to play 3000+ matches of the same game.

Other way around. Variety can cause swing, but swing doesn’t by itself cause variety.

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And in principle, variety doesn’t HAVE to cause swing either. It’s just really, really hard to ensure it won’t.

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I don’t get you.
Play a game 3000 times and still hate swing and variety.
Tss tss.

i hate swing but not variety


One game on its own doesn’t matter at all!
If you lose one game cuz it was heavily BD randed… who cares?

Tell me, imagine if in one game the BD has a 20% chance of winning purely from rand without doing anything wrong, and the next they have a 60% chance. and it’s impossible to tell which you’re playing from the start.


Sounds exactly what I want.

your early actions could have turned out to be basically fucking futile because you were not aware that you could not make a single slip-up, a single vaguely bold play.

Arete stop bullying System reeee. Full quotes should be removed, its right

I think ‘it’s nice when some games are more challenging’ is a basically legitimate point here and I think that’s fundamentally the point Priestess is making


Swing is not variety.

Variety is the quantity of permutations. Variety is generally good and we want that.

Swing is the difference in winrate between those permutations.

Swing is a byproduct of Variety. We want the variety because it improves a lot of the games systems, keeps things fresh, allows for more hidden information ect, while swing is a byproduct we put up with because the pros of Variety outweigh the cons of having more swing.

If somehow we could have no swing, but keep the Variety and it’s associated pros then we would do so.

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Thank you.

And I agree with that, but there’s a difference between that and full on “lol fuck you based on objective mathematics you have a 20% chance of victory this game good luck”