Town of Salem has ISO Now

Good point. He should have said 3 of the most complex and fiddly BD classes, not 2.

yeah but you voted to exe so you lost your third charge of Add Class


Remember that the current CW came from the forums as well.

Chrono is actually my favorite healer
Second best support since I like CW a little bit more, but its a pretty fun class.

Chrono feels redundant.

Like it’s fine on it’s own, but it just doesn’t make much sense to have it in addition to physician.

remember the poll, nuke?

Which one?

Chrono is less reliable but more confirmable then Phys, and it actually can kill people hihi

Arete, don’t bully system. System was right here.

Chrono is a guiltless Knight


the one where you voted to not replace Phys with Chrono

btw here’s 2 people with less than 100 hours that said yes to ISO

Unfortunately most of the people that reacted also had their profile private but there you go.

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It is, in some kind. I love killing fellow BD with it.

In that case yes.


Can’t find that in classcards/glossary, but meeh semantics.

it is though

which is why chrono is incredibly strong in the right hands

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Am I blind or too tired, I can’t see them having posted a review for tol?

still proud of how it’s a vig that doesn’t increase the amount of KP in the game overall, thereby actually reducing swing whenether it rands

I hear people use it colloquially to talk about Knight suiciding due to killing BD, or Butler suiciding due to poisoning a GK, but not to talk about Hunter losing HMs due to killing BD (which seems most analogous to Archer), so purely from a terminology standpoint I think Priestess is fine? obviously ‘is it bad to have a killer who doesn’t suicide if they kill BD’ is a different question but

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sorry i’m allowed to be egotistical about my own class if it turned out well in the end