Town of Salem has ISO Now

Scroll down in the tabs Nuclear linked, it’ll show you how many hours they have

now we just need it to bypass everything

nah throwing the stored kill into protectives was always a thing you were supposed to be able to do

but thats less fun than accidentally killing the nk

idk if they reviewed but prob not. Their hours are public however and I only was looking for players that had reacted to the ISO proposals positively.

but where did they say that having ISO is a good thing and they’d use it?

(note that that’s the number of hours now, not the number of hours when they responded to the suggestion, but since it’s impossible for your number of hours to decrease it’s not super important)

Oh, you mean the sheep votes? … yea no that doesn’t count

Like Nuclear said, he looked at players who upvoted one of the Iso suggestions in #feedback-qol, which is how players express that they consider a feature a good thing.

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In order to get on that list you have to actively go to where there are suggestions and specifically interact with it.

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…i mean, if you ask any newbie the question, the mere fact they are being asked it will make them say yes
it is impossible for us to do this double-blind

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If you’d like you can DM them

how about this

I go into the #general channel on the ToL Discord and ask specifically players that have 100 hours or less whether they would use an Iso feature

no one from either side jumps in to talk about why that would be good or bad (since that taints the results)

we see what they say

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We had a pretty well-liked feedback post.
Over 15 thumbs up I think?
They said “yea its rn like A and should be like B”
… it was really basic knowledge that B is already the case and A literally never existed.

okay sure
i will trust there is no pernicious lies going on since i’m not in the discord

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Let’s go.

given we have people from both sides of this argument on the discord (and im pretty neutral about this tbh) i think we’ll be fine :eyes:

You don’t need to ask newbies tho. You can ask literally anyone tho.

Yes but you listed noobs as your criteria

Proposed wording:

Specifically players that have ~100 hours or less in the game (if you have more, let people with less than 100 respond first, before jumping in with your own thoughts): Would you like there to be a feature that allowed you to filter the chat history to show only messages by a specific player? Would you use such a feature, if it existed?

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