Town of Salem has ISO Now

Which one is SE?

I mean I’ve played in the forums, and ISO wasn’t very enjoyable here as well

Context is, as per always, crucial to having an informed opinion

The important thing isn’t ‘has played ToS in particular’ – my point here is that if one person has played a real-time social deduction game with the Iso feature, and says that it has certain effects, while another person is only speculating about what effects it might have, the first person is going to be much more likely to come to accurate conclusions about its effects on the game.

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And if you have an uninformed opinion then either get informed or admit you aren’t and stop talking for others :man_shrugging:

Starship Epiphron

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Aka “shut up girl, your whole argument list against ISO doesn’t matter cuz you have no experience”

It’s just a timesaver

You could just as easily reread the whole thread but skip all other posts

It’s not… not at all. It’s enforcing bad metas

Yeah pretty much

Where does listening to people with no experience on complex things ever work out better than the alternative

On the forums?

No, it really doesn’t.

You can spend 4 hours doing an iso dive, or 6 re-reading the thread but skipping everything else.

We choose to value people’s time.

An ideal FoL game would have not the possibility to do an ISO or to metagame people on the experience of other games by using ISO.

Well, a lot of your arguments are based around what you predict to be the consequences of implementing an Iso feature, so if in fact implementing an Iso feature doesn’t have those consequences that’s useful information about whether your argument is valid, and that’s something that can most accurately be determined by looking at the effects of actually implementing it.

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People should make sure they aren’t static enough to get caught out by meta

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ToL is anonymous.

You’re conflating meta-reads with an Iso feature when the two are entirely separate and largely disconnected

If you can’t ISO people, it’s very very difficult to make meta-reads on others. Yes. Not impossible, but very very difficult

Right, and it would still be anonymous even if there were an Iso feature.


You can ISO people

You have literal days to re-read only their posts

If you think ToL has to have an ISO
do it the other way around. Try having FM/FoL without ISO and look if it’s better or worse