Town vs Bandits - Possibly Returning! - Woo!

Shut off phone
You might need that power


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Nvm. See you when i charge this thing.

If anyone would like I could go over some practical examples of reading.

Some of the best places to start off on in my mind when reading scum are:

Magnus from 2d3 II
Insanity from Dustpan Deception
Geyde from Adiart Lovers

They get sequentially harder in difficulty, but using the principles we established earlier it shouldn’t be all that hard.

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In my book, meta reads don’t help players get better.
You should try to avoid using them excessively, and try to read players using other reasoning as a basis.

Meta makes a good pair of glasses to look at someone from, but they shouldn’t make your read.


Meta is more like guide rails for a walking path. It guides you towards a person and provides a start but you gotta know when to hop over it and when to follow the path.


Thanks for giving me all this valuable information…


No problem.
I’m more than willing to help players become more intentional with their play.


Yep. If anyone wants scum!Blade tips let me know

How do you create false scumteams and get several town under suspicion early without looking especially scummy for it?

I usually pretend that I’m in a bastard multi ball game searching for an opposing wolfteam.

I…I’m not sure if you are serious or not


Partially serious as it helps put me in a wolf hunting mindset as wolf.


Stealing this strategy for future use.


Generally by working with what town gives. This is what town me and scum me do.

For example: Geyde says “Alice posted blah blah blah” that’s scummy.

If Alice is town and I want her to look scummy then look at what was said. Assume it’s true then ask or formulate a conclusion.

In that case what are you looking for in the conclusion to be drawn?

This is for town!Math, since I’m not quite sure on a few things from last game.
What exactly was your thought process when figuring the team was Me/Blue?

^^ Example scum Math (will get to your question in a second.)

I looked at what you gave me and was genuinely confused. I didn’t see where you’re coming from but I left it open ended so you would talk more.

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I was sure of one of two things:

Blue was a PR or scum based on how he responded to the whole you should be aggressive bit.

By shading him I could see who townread him without provocation but by doing it badly I could ensure Blue wouldn’t be lynched until and unless I was sure.

Your defense of Blue seemed rather illogical and so I pegged it as potential scumbuddy.

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Plus it also kept attention off of Blue for PRs. Mainly it was a safe gamble regardless.