Town vs Bandits - Possibly Returning! - Woo!

I…I’m not sure if you are serious or not


Partially serious as it helps put me in a wolf hunting mindset as wolf.


Stealing this strategy for future use.


Generally by working with what town gives. This is what town me and scum me do.

For example: Geyde says “Alice posted blah blah blah” that’s scummy.

If Alice is town and I want her to look scummy then look at what was said. Assume it’s true then ask or formulate a conclusion.

In that case what are you looking for in the conclusion to be drawn?

This is for town!Math, since I’m not quite sure on a few things from last game.
What exactly was your thought process when figuring the team was Me/Blue?

^^ Example scum Math (will get to your question in a second.)

I looked at what you gave me and was genuinely confused. I didn’t see where you’re coming from but I left it open ended so you would talk more.

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I was sure of one of two things:

Blue was a PR or scum based on how he responded to the whole you should be aggressive bit.

By shading him I could see who townread him without provocation but by doing it badly I could ensure Blue wouldn’t be lynched until and unless I was sure.

Your defense of Blue seemed rather illogical and so I pegged it as potential scumbuddy.

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Plus it also kept attention off of Blue for PRs. Mainly it was a safe gamble regardless.

I wasn’t even sure I touched Blue by that point beyond a meme post.

I am pretty sure you had. There was some association that seemed off that connected it. I don’t remember what exactly.

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It seemed like you were smokescreening based off me starting to push Dat more.
Possibly just misreading.

It was a Dat v Blue + VCA thing yeah. It was an implicit defense not an explicit one. I remember now. A common scum tactic when a buddy is being run up is to make noise elsewhere. So I thought you were defending Blue. That and VCA.

I need to figure out how to VCA eventually.

It’s more just an art and asking why repeatedly.


X is lynched flips scum

Why did each person vote X? What was the narrative?

Why did Y not vote X? What did they do instead?

Is bussing a likely or unlikely event?

Take last game:

Baz’s claim is either planned or unplanned. Starting from a logical state like this then exploring the only logical options is a good place to start.

Because you’ll eliminate some possible worlds.

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In smaller vanilla games like Purgatory 2 (which imho still broken) leaves a lot of that type of questioning more in depth.

I’m going to bed.



Another town example is starting here after Parfait mislynch scum put themselves in a corner

I’m playing hard mode, leave me alone.

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Weighted training terminology

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