Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

These are clearly false memories

In what way are you more careful?

I can’t tell if this is an obssessive town mathblade or a dumb push from scum mathblade :thinking:

Last time I was village with her (which was a long time ago, I admit, but her meta hasn’t changed much) she remained calm throughout the entire game and managed to work with me and Vulgard to snipe every single wolf one after another. Notice that it was generally me and Vulgard who actually pushed people and contradicted people with bad reads. Alice simply provided Quality Perspectives™ throughout the entire game.

I’m less forceful and now I actually take what other people are saying into account.

Basically, everything that went wrong with N&G I’m trying to fix it in my matches.

By the way, I’m getting huge red flags from Math since he appears to be looking at meta like it’s unchangable wheras I know he’s used the argument of meta being changable to try and correct reads in the past.

Definitely going to have to look closer into MathBlade.

I am more pushy than I was in RM. I’m just not crazy berserk as I was in N&G.

Closer look how exactly :thinking:

Let’s assume for the moment I am wrong and Alice is town. And let’s assume Alice is wrong and Baz is town.

That would make an Ici Alice me Baz townblock. Is there someone we all agree is scum?

Go for it.

Can’t disagree that MathBlade’s play is pinging me, but then again his early-game play is super-aggressive regardless of alignment, which is why I want more time to sort him out.

Quick thought on Math:

I find it interesting that Math has spent the entire game trying to slowly establish that somehow he’s unreadable because they manufacture false reads as wolf, by the way. I don’t get why somebody would need to agressively establish not that the reads on them are invalid but rather that all reads of that kind on him are invalid.

I understand that it’s a matter of principle to him not to actively lie in a game of Mafia, but the subtext has not been “Alright, this is just the way I play” but rather “So you can’t read me, okay?”

I’ll definitely come back to MathBlade as I have more pressing things to sort (DatBird, a bunch of people we haven’t really been considering, etc. etc.).

In other news, Possessed is village.

In other news water = wet. I think Poss is obvTown.

Ici you’re a universal townread right now. Fucking own that shit and do something.

Pocket attempt denied.

Alas not trying. Just trying to get a townblock formed with or without me.

You didn’t need to be so damned rude about it. And I’lll work at my own pace, thank you very much. I’ve learnt from experience that if I don’t fully examine all of my points my reads never beocme accurate.

Expect a “spicy read” of BlueStorm shortly.

I’ve been trying to find out any relations that could point to a potential Blue/DatBird wolfteam and…

Like, shit.

The level of hedging in these two post is just downright horrible.

It’s almost 1 am for me. Civility in favor of staying awake is winning out