Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

You are acting particularly scummy though.

Do you want help producing content?
To help get better at the game?

The problem is that you’ve suggested things that don’t help town and have tried to setup lynches onto clear town players.

Which is kind of useless in this case as all PRs outed, so yeah.

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I’m literally following majority because there’s nothing else to do.
And by defending myself I’m seen as evil. I love my life.

I keep rolling PR in these setups

First and second time on IC13er
Rolled Town JK
Rolled IC

Now here I rolled JK again

There is gray area.
Why are the other people more likely to be scum than you?


I’m either always scum or a bad town. Even in TOS, unless I use scrolls.

If you thought that, you wouldn’t random lynch d1.

I mean you do seem like a given up scum ngl

We aren’t lynching randomly whatsoever.
Baz is outed scum because they were CC’d and started lolcatting.

If you need help to make reads just ask.
We are willing to help, but you are denying that help.

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I never give up, I’m just unsure where i stand at the moment.

Your idea of help:
*/vote Magnus tell us how you’re town.

Why did you say this?

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So updating my previous readlist.

Lock Villa

  • Alice - Me, I know I’m town, duh.
  • BlueStorm - Fruit vendor.
  • Possesed - Tracker
  • Geyde - Jailkeeper

Likely Villa

  • Isaac_Gonzalez
  • Hjasik
  • MathBlade
  • Icibalus

Likely Wolf

  • Cupcake
  • Magnus
  • HTM

Strong Wolf

  • BazingaBoy
  • DatBird
  • Magnus

Let’s start basics.
Who are you absolutely sure you know is town here?

Yeah we aren’t random lunching. Baz is basically confirmed scum

Magnus so wolf he made the list twice

No one.

No one at all? Not even the PR claims?

If you got a town rolecard you would know that you are confirmed town.