Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

And dat is pushing on me, someone who else is strong Wolf?

It’s a joke



You need to jail one of your suspects to be the Ninja tonight.

Since you already outed as JK then since nobody can protect you then they’ll likely use the Ninja to kill you since you can’t jail keep yourself.

I didn’t think i was supposed to include myself reeeeeeee.

So if no town reads who do you scum read?

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I’m yolo jailing in the PoE.
I’ll probably hit Ninja, but will die from lulstrongwilled

You are given the town alignment, which requires you to defeat the mafia. How do you do that?

I didn’t actually hard claim guys. You will NEVER see me hard claim, especially not this format.

Also I don’t think Baz and Magnus are actual scumteam. If they are, Magnus’ posts throw too much shade at him.

So what you thinking the scum team to be then?

I have a right as a citizen to murder people in the name of justice. This doesn’t include myself.

We know


I actually think it’s baz and Isaac and BlueStorm, but i haven’t looked very hard.

ok good ty for this

One of the two is Scum, but not both. More likely htm/Baz.

…Blue is the Fruit Vendor.

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it only confirms our suspicion even more

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Bluestorm is basically confirmed town


Why do you think they are scum?
What makes you think that?

I didn’t know Blue was fruit. I don’t even know what that is.

ok but answer geydes question