Town vs Bandits - Re-Rolling

Agree that bluestorm/datbird is scummy then randomly lynch geyde :crazy_face:


Accused Voters Count
DatBird Hjasik, Isaac, Bluestorm 3
BlueStorm Mathblade 1
Mathblade Geyde, Bazingaboy 2

Good Mornin’

It’s way too hard to explain at 1 am but mainly it is more know it when I see it and I see all roads point to Geyde

Now compare this to Bird from Luigi’s mansion (a wolf game of his):

Notice that in both cases he’s defending himself by splitting the arguments against him and then posting huge paragraphs in response to it, in a rather flail-y manner, while at the same point never countering the crux of the arguments levelled against him.

The only difference is that of his attitude towards Blue, but after I pretty much damned Bird to eventually being lynched on Day 2 in LM I think it’s ludicrous to say he wouldn’t try to change his meta in some way.

That post is way too long for me to pretend to read

I agree they are scummy but not necessarily scum, yes.

In addition, despite the reads being presented in a different manner, I notice there’s a lot of simmilarity between the way the reads are formulated in this post vs. this post from LM:

I think that their meta dosen’t look good for them this game. That combined with the afforementioned wolfy post from earlier makes me feel like Bird is pretty likely to flip wolf here.

/vote DatBird.

Accused Voters Count
DatBird Hjasik, Isaac, Bluestorm, Icibalus 4
BlueStorm Mathblade 1
Mathblade Geyde, Bazingaboy 2

Gonna crash but moon theory B is Alice Ici and Baz but it’s so moon theory not considering it right now. Good night

What moon

In both cases, his reads have a very simmilar tone that makes me pretty sure he’ll end up flipping wolf. My only reservation is that this way of posting reads may be inherent to DatBird rather than being a wolftell. I’ll probably go and have a look at some village games of DatBird and see if i can find any differences later today.

Next up: Math’s interactions with Bird (Geyde drew my attention to it, so I’ll take this opportunity to get a better read on Math in general).

Moon Theory presumably refers to “you’d have to be an alien to believe this”

I voted for Blue, though.


Accused Voters Count
DatBird Hjasik, Isaac, Bluestorm, Icibalus 4
BlueStorm Mathblade, Alice 2
Mathblade Geyde, Bazingaboy 2

So one /vote Blue

Howd this go? Or has it still not happened yet? Would love for you to check.

I forgot that I promised to do that. I’ll get on it at some point.

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