[Turbo] Cop9 - Game Over (mafia wins)

I can’t write a good explanation of why I think this way. See? It’s a consistent issue no matter the topic. :rofl:

It seems like you gutread someone and then inflexibly try to find a justification for reading them this way
You could try ISOing someone and analyzing their posts, then making a conclusion based on them

That’s what I think I’m doing, but considering it’s almost always called illogical by at least one person (and that person is not necessarily a scum member or the person I’m suspecting), I’m sure I’m doing it wrong.

Sorry for typing here, and typing, and typing, I’m just looking for help anywhere I can find it because I really want to get better and fix the enormous flaws of my play.

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Do they point where you err or simply call it ilogical?

For what it’s worth, maybe it’s just how my brain works but I find your arguments very persuasive, even when they’re wrong. (See Clash of Cults, when you convinced me of Ozz/Kai after I’d come up with evidence to clear Kai.)

Both, but more of the former and I usually can’t form a coherent response to that because I know they must be right.

That’s the problem. I can sound convincing, but I can’t be logical.
That’s why I have proven I can push mislynches. LotR.
That’s also why I mislynch so much as town. Scum bandwagon because I sound convincing but I’m nearly always wrong.

I think there’s a logic problem here, I just can’t think correctly or something. I don’t know. I can’t identify a specific issue. There has to be a reason why I push the wrong people so frequently, why I mislynch as town, why my reads are bad, why my logic is bad.

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Even in the GI Turbo I mislynched until I got to f4 and managed to win with a 5% ITA shot.

At least from my perspective, I don’t think you’re being illogical, it’s just that your logic is failing to lead you to the correct conclusion, if that distinction makes sense.


I think that sounds much better and more accurate, right. My logic is incorrect 90% of the time.

And the worst part is that I’ve been reading guides, studying how other people play, what has worked out for me in the past, etc. and trying to apply it to my games. Many different strategies, styles of reads, etc. But it’s still wrong wrong wrong.

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I don’t expect to out the entire scumteam, I just want to actually find a scum member instead of zeroing in on town every game.

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Even in this turbo I’m talking in right now, I did put a PoE with 1 scum out there, but then I proceeded to remove that person and left the Cop + a townie in that PoE. I’m just horrible at this as of right now, there’s no denying it.

I think turbos are a little different?

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They definitely are, but they just showed me that the reads I make ‘in the moment’ seem to be equally horrendous.
I guess in the GI turbo I did catch scum? But honestly there were like 3 BD other than me at that point so the chances were high anyway. And I still mislynched a town before I did that. Actually I mislynched 2 town and almost ITAd the person I cleared.

Easiest solution

join MU

I want to, just not sure if it will actually help me.

Playing with good players will force you to try harder then it does here, there’s a point where you can’t force yourself to try any harder due to the level of skill.