[Turbo] Cop9 - Game Over (mafia wins)

but MU is intimidating

@Vulgard Want to join a game together on MU at some point? That way we’ll both know someone in the game, and hopefully it’ll be slightly less intimidating.

I’m thinking I should join under a different name. :thinking:

But yes, I would be down.

What’s wrong with your current one?

I 2-posted in a game on MU under this name because it was going too fast for me and people were reading into these 2 posts really hard later

I’m not sure if trying hard is the problem though. I think I try pretty hard here.

Unless you’re arguing that playing with better players makes you better by default, which I sincerely hope it does.


I have an idea

Not sure if it’s dumb or not however but it sounds logical


Vulgard have you seen any MU games recently

not for sign ups

as in actually reading them

I’m not Vulgard but I’ve seen a couple


This whole conversation is reminding me of something I did a long time ago

Long time ago, I got really pissed off that HTM was being called better then me at mafia, despite the fact that he didn’t play as long as me.

Sometning I didn’t realize then was that it was because I wasn’t trying but whatever that’s not the point

So I started trying at mafia, determined to be better then Htm

I have read some like a true lurker.

Are there things I could make better as scum?
I mean, Hja was kinda right with his “I never did any real push”, since I kinda never wanted to do a hardpush on a BD.

Have you read the powerwolfing guide that Geyde likes to link?