[Turbo] Doki Doki Turbo - Canned

Play Dbd with me

Dude I’m already bleeding. No Mithr, remember.

i play on console and i uninstalled it :frowning:


laughs in Blood Warden

my ps4 broke so i got a new one and never installed it again

mega oof

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Killer brings in a sneaky noed…
All survivors are with No Mithr and are apart of a sabo squad.

THAT moment in which you have to slug a No Mithr

Well well well

You know what would be a fun turbo a smash based one.



Looking for a replacement for Maxwell btw.

Also this will start in 1 hour and 33 mins.

I will be a cohost, but I’ve already got my class.
It’s weak anyway though.

Reee, I can’t have two people replacing out.

@Mercenary I basically forced you to re-roll (sorry) do you want to join this game? Starts in an hour and a half.

I got this

Could I Be cohost?

I refuse to allow co-hosts. Unless I can get 2 players instead of just one.
