[Turbo] Doki Doki Turbo - Canned



uh /sure

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Okay if you guys want while I sleep you can try get confirmations from people or get players to join ok night night for like 20 mins.

wait ur sleeping for 20 minutes?

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Wazza can sleep instantly

eh i can afford to be on this in class
also don’t want to miss it
back /in

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I’m here, so hello.

Magnus is the co-host now.

Wow, just in time. I literally got back from the dining hall less than a minute ago

NIce, I’m tired as hell.

Hey Waz.

hello there.

General Kenobi

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Welp pre-game begins well basically confirmation stages. Everyone message me in their classcards.

Okay, I’m back. I’m cohost!!?

Yeh you are. We got 9 members without you needed so as I promised.
