[Turbo] - Follow The Cop...Or Not... (6/11)

Follow The Cop…Or Not Turbo!

I’ll probably add some dumb flavour, idk. what flavour do y’all want, just tell me.

Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon
Town Cop (If Targeted by the Doctor their result will come up as Mafia)
Town Tracker
Town Compulsive Doctor
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town

  1. @clonedcheese
  2. @PokemonKidRyan
  3. @Arctic
  4. @Appelsiini
  5. Intensify
  6. Light


Monke flavor

friends want me to do stuff

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Mafia Roleblocker - Draco Malfoy
Mafia Goon - Crabbe
Mafia Goon - Goyle
Town Cop (If Targeted by the Doctor their result will come up as Mafia) - Hermione Granger
Town Tracker - Harry Potter
Town Compulsive Doctor - Ron Weasley
Vanilla Town - Ginny Weasley
Vanilla Town - Luna Lovegood
Vanilla Town - Neville Longbottom
Vanilla Town - Seamus Finnigan
Vanilla Town - J.K. Rowling herself

This fan fiction is looking really wierd

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self insert

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do you want me to start writing lore for it

no plz spare us

my lore is actually pretty good
writing, reading, and video games are basically the only things i do in my free time


Go ahead I guess?

How the hell does JK Rowling interact with any of these characters

who knows
she’s insane

id have put her as the cop
but thats only conditionally insane

something something “VTs can’t be counterclaimed, lol” :^)

/backup May in later


this is meant to be canned lol

