[Turbo] Let's Grand Idea again! - Bastard NK Survivor (Solic) Wins!

Leave wazza Alive,even if evil they’re harmless

I am bleeding schince I vischited Solic

Bitch he claimed a n0 check which was impossible are you high?


/vote Solic


Why did I get a redirection/occupation immunity from you then?

Impossible in a fucking grande idea thread?? :smiley:


Stop dodging my question.

Shitty VC

Wazza - Squid
Squid - Insanity, Met, Wazza 4/5
Luxy - Solic
Solic - Blue

Tak3 a guess?


You think I’d be that stupid?

Up Squid, if we believe it’s BD, I’ll Force Pardon. AS EVIDENCE.

I actually believe u good btw

Yes, or my vote wouldn’t be on you.

Solic, why are you redirection immune?

Why are you lying on me being scum? I know that your check is false. In fact, Blizer can confirm my occupation in a way

Ok, I claim Kobold and Squid have “defeat” in her wincon.

I have double vote

Boy do you suck at this game lel

Blizer, who did you visit tonight?