[Turbo] Let's Grand Idea again! - Bastard NK Survivor (Solic) Wins!

Game would have ended too then. :wink:

The day ended with a no lynch.

Night 5 begins.


Not really due to my pray

No one was found dead last night.

Day 6 started. No-one has to die.

WIth Solic alive, the majority is 1


Solic wanna play truth or dare?


What can you do to escape this purgatory?

the reference btw I love this minigame

What was no ones class?

/vote no lynch

Don’t even want to play the game? Sad times

The day has ended with a no lynch.

Night 6 has started.

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Day 7 has started.

With Solic alive, the manjority is 1.

Can I post

Is this an intentional typo?


No. It was supposed to be Majority.


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What does this mean?

It means I win the game?