[Turbo] Let's Grand Idea again! - Bastard NK Survivor (Solic) Wins!

I mean it’s well documented that there are bastard classes in GI.

I actually wanted to claim Court Wizard before you claimed it.

How did you know I was redirection immune?

Wazza reached the conclusion that everyone was bastardly a king.

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He was Priestess’ contract
Priestess was a drunk with post restriction with a mercenary target

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Also im glad solic isn’t stupid because if he was bd I would’ve ranted

I debbed you n1, and hhd you n2.

btw I am never hosting GI over 10 players alone again.

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Geyde wasn’t even supposed to be a host

Wazza wanting to force pardon the Assassin, smh

I laughed because Marluxion would have won if they weren’t a survivor

Yea, but Blue couldn’t have known that. Your instincts were good though Priestess. Props.

Priest and Blue shared a night chat

We had a mason chat.

They told me.

This class.

Honestly Doorknob is a way too complicated and even OP class to be rolled.

And of course I was the contract :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t think my class was OP for a neutral killer.

again people complaining it’s op forgot to realize this is a 12 player game