[Turbo] Let's Grand Idea again! - Bastard NK Survivor (Solic) Wins!

the intent was 3 days of gaslighting to see if he would attempt to remove his own night immunity to kill himself or vote himself out

read what i typed instead of assuming that i dont understand what was written

i understand the rule

i’m saying that it’s terrible and should never be done again

best way to handle twilight posting

dont punish it at all because it’s the host’s fault that they haven’t done the flip yet

night posting =/= twilight posting

I also use twilight to compute day actions, since I don’t have time for those in rolemadness while I have to do the vote counts.

that’s fine
but twilight posting isn’t nearly as bad as night posting and shouldn’t be punished as such, even if you’re caluclating day actions

If people keep talking after the flip and the day OFFICIALLY ends, that’s where it becomes a problem