uCreate Forum Mafia Reroll! - (10/16) - Canned due to Technical Difficulties!

So did you try to visit me last night?

Just thinking.

Night? It was a Dayvig, and we killed Livicus at night.

Ah, that sneaky bluestorm ;-;

Any way, why did you claim that I am NK :stuck_out_tongue:

Because Bluestorm apparently did NOT tell us enough about the neighborhood.

What did he say :thinking:

Blue did say you created the neighbourhood, I didn’t doubt you were town social.

but this confirmed town thing by Mathblade was what we didn’t know.


Can you make the scumchat and deathchat public :thinking:

can someone make tis again ;w;

Mercenary can

I’d like to make something like this but I’d need a cohost that’s good at balancing

Also I have other plans atm

Can you invite me to the scum chat :3

I am very good at balancing you can be sure that it will be most cancerous game ever with me

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I just realised that Astand is death immune, so my CS won’t work, lul.

Oh and the Claim vig won’t work on Marl cuz he already have an extra life from Mathblade.

D1 Brainstorm: Dayvig given to Marg
D2 Brainstorm: Not posted but was either public faction cop which can be affected by things like framing/tailoring or secret but 100% accurate cop

People tried to make serious shit, I’m like nah why bother

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Nah I just read Insanity as town and was bluffing hard core

The Gifted One
Town Support
These Walls Can Talk (Passive) - You can talk to the dead.
Ethereal Body (Passive) - You will survive the first kill attempt against you.
Truth is Infinite (Day) - You may pick a player to become the holder of truth by quoting them, and posting in bold red text: “Truth is Infinite.” If they die, they will not join dead chat and instead be revived the next day. They will be told that they are now a beacon of truth. Unable to be blocked, redirected, or otherwise stopped. [1 Uses]
Redefine Counting Numbers (Day) Target a living player. Their chosen night ability(ies) will succeed no matter what negative action is submitted on them or what negative status effects they have. [Infinite Uses]
Fix Errors In Logic (Night) - Heal a player from nightkill, poison, or any negative other status effect. Cannot target self. [Infinite Uses]
Rebuild The Mainframe (Night) - Swap the position of two targets, causing everyone targetting the first to target the second, and vice versa. This ability has priority over all other abilities. [3 Use]
You win when you defeat the Mafia and the Neutral Killer.

The Psychopath

Neutral Killer
Psychopathic Tendencies (Passive) - Immune to death from all forms except that of execution. Gains occupation, redirection, and prevention immunity after being occupied successfully once.
Desolate Mindset (Passive) - For every town-aligned player killed by you, you may decide if you want to take a single passive or a single unlimited usage ability from them. You may use an original ability and a stolen ability at the same time. You may not take a killing ability.
Pyromaniac (Day) - Burn a player, causing them to die in two nights time unless healed. This does not activate Desolate Mindset. [Infinite Uses]
Desire (Day) - Target a player. They will know that something desires them. If they die by any means tonight, Desolate Mindset will allow you to take a finite usage ability or two passives/two unlimited usage abilities. [3 Uses]
Murder (Night) - Attack a player. If you attack the same player a second time, this will bypass death immunity. [Infinite Uses]
You win when you are among the last two players alive.