Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

What? Add me so i can see everything thats happened and make a more accurate read on Santa and Cattail. What disadvantage is there to adding me?

Centuries none of what you say makes sense sometimes

the 1% chance youā€™re scum

i mean if you want idc but

if ure scum and the current neighborhood is clear it hurts us

I donā€™t think ive ever been on a further away wavelength from anyone before

Uh, heā€™s trying to fucking solve the game?

Itā€™s more than what everyone else is doing (Minus the Neighborhood)

yeab but Iā€™m not scum though

I mean yeah I guess

scum would also have way more wim at mylo though

idk if itā€™s just me though

Centuries if there is no scum in your hood right now than what is scumteam?

Iā€™m presuming 4. 4/19 seems fair, 3/19 is only 15% which is very low.

Think of it as 4/18, Hippo.

Expanding it into 19 makes it 5/19 since The Occult was 100% Mafia.


letā€™s imagine zone is town

letā€™s imagine ure town from your pov

rue/shortcake/conduit/rue is the exact team

Oh yay Rue is doublescum.


Centuries. Thereā€™s a scum in our neighbourhood. Iā€™m sorry but not even I can see it any other way. I read around in the chat and it cleared literally nothing much for me.

Howeverā€¦That is a possibility and it would make sense on why Rue would Greencheck Shortcake.

But then how did Rue know that Zone was a Vig?

okay then itā€™s cattail/santa and that means itā€™s


which is possible too

but im willing to let it happen for 1 night anyways

Wazza let me explain to you in neighborhood why i want to no elim

I already know.

Iā€™m going for no elim myself.