Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

I thought the modposter was a newbie slot
I knew that they were going to be obvious alignment wise
I wanted them to actually use the ability to its full potential because lol modposter is 99% of the time never going to help solve especially how obvious it was that they were a newbish slot
At the time without the N0 green + IC claim it made semi-sense for their role to be town in the setup
Now I’m running into the issue that

N0 green

isn’t something that is typically run because they are all self-resolving~ish

in hindsight i didnt think about scum modposter but shrug scumteam probably would tell what a good n0 modpost would be

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oh wow hi arete.

im guessing no more wagon on arete for now?

thats what i assume from strawberries post

yeah but like

all your early posts are about mechanics

which isn’t really something I normally see from you? but maybe I’m just dumb and forgetting

Because I was not in the thread and Surge hadn’t posted prior. I also wanted to see his reply to my question before I’d make a judgement, because I’d feel bad about activity reading him in like the first 24 hrs.

I remember skimming while some work model was loading and Centuries calling out Surge and being like, yea Surge probably scum.

Santa was however main scumread and I need some time to warp my brain around that now, because I thought they displayed tell that I usually read them on which is misrepping slightly . They are also a spicier wagon than Surge who wouldn’t endgame.

Basically greencheck on Santa by a townread ~> Surge vote sure

like 20% of my iso this game has been about flavor/mech just because im not being interacted with in thread and the only person who actually had a game-related conversation with me was like orange

ok I get that claiming IC in your first post is weird but also … why are you voting them for it…

Harry Potter (Town)

Refers to himself as town (LAMIST): 2
Early Reads: 7
Questions: 8
Votes: 2
Megapost in order to read someone: 1
List of reads: 3

Wild West (Mafia Goon)

Jokeposts: 9
Early memevote: 1
Visible Hedge: 1
Early Reads: 7
Full on Reads List: 1
Questions: 4

Comment: Visible difference is how he handles scumreads, He will case scumreads as town (TBE in HP) but not scumreads in WW (where he randed wolf) example: treatment of mole slot

WoW BFA - Wolf Game, older

Jokeposts: 3
Visible Hedge: 1
Early Reads: 2
Questions: 2
Wallpost (bus): 1

JoaT^2 - Town, alting

Early reads: 7
Jokeposts: 1
Questions: 5
Early Votes: 1
Full on reads list: 1

Umineko (? alignment)

Early reads: 5
Early Votes: 1
Questions: 2

I did this about Seth earlier

there’s like

some content tells

which exist

but like


sulit actually caring about the game is >rand V for her

she can sometimes fake it on D1 so if she drops off a bunch then vote her out but she can be a townlean for now

Honestly the only factual scumtell ive seen from him is hedge in his reads

which hasn’t happened this game iirc

I think Firekitten or someone said something about trying different things to improve and I wanted to go for that. I also had a shitty day and some beers, so I let loose. :man_shrugging:

If I wanted to play the same I would have just alted probably. My play kind of reverted the day after tbh. Meeh

Really gone now cya

I think I kind of did what I described in that post though

Oh yeah Seth does this thing as scum where he really doesn’t OMGUS and instead compliments the read of the people pushing him and how they’re good but wrong and all

also I feel like I’ve been mindmelding with most of Rue’s takes so far (I’m a little after post 200)

they can have some townpoints

Surge did that to me in JOAT^2 at the start.


maybe i missed it

idk io was kinda different approach wise

ok on reflection I think I’m going to need to actually read the thread to figure out if this answer is good or not

the one thing that sticks out as specifically weird is that you’re talking about activity reading him? which … he’s a middle of the pack poster postcount-wise so that’s kind of ???

seth was the last person to post and was like, a 4 poster for the first 16+ hours

and then he came back and did stuff but no one was like

“oh yeah this is town seth”

thats like quite literally what happened

(uh for reference the reason I asked the initial question to Solic was that I was lowkey tinfoiling that him being willing to vote me but not having voted Surge was indicative of scum that did not particularly care either way about whether Surge got voted out, but was super happy to get me voted out because I am, uh, more competent than Surge)