Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

I have reasons.

I’m self resolving. Good luck with that.

Also, @Arete.

I at least expected you to understand my hints. Sigh.

I remember you saying that Seth had to live so you can self resolve

One person is hardly a wagon but fair.

The kind of “i dont care about a smol wagon on me” is a townie idea, but the way in which Gorta presents it makes it SUPER clear he doesnt care about the wagon, like hes trying to look townie by saying he doesnt care.

If he really didnt care he just wouldnt bother responding, I don’t usually respond to any rando smol votes I have.

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I sorta had a theory about what you might be claiming but I was trying not to discuss it explicitly

also I don’t actually know if my theory is right

I doubt you actually are because people NEVER are selfresolving when they say they are but also you missed my post below the one you quoted which was my reason ')

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Gorta’s really easy to read post-flips because he struggles a lot with TMI as a wolf which causes him to bus his partners as soon as someone else suspects them even if it’s suboptimal

whereas when he’s town his reads are basically rand

Anyway I just want to say that I’m a very powerful role which basically wins town the game if im alive D4 so keep me alive.

yeah waz is being cryptic, but I don’t see the scum needlessly hard softing off the rip.

Wazza does do that alot as scum, hes surprisingly good at rando scum plays. Not saying hes mafia but him doing iM sELf reSoLvINg shouldnt get him any townie points.

/vote PKR

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Is this including that last game in which I feel like my scum game improved drastically?

Keep in mind they also seem to have contradicted themselves (will explain later)

Wazza literally was the one who utterly owned town as the Lying Darkness by making a huge lie D1 as NK and instantly winning. People saying “Wazza wouldnt be ballsy enough to lie about selfresolving D1” are deadwrong.

We’ll just have to see :slight_smile:

I can semi explain, as I semi remember them acting like they needed Seth alive to “confirm” themselves and then now says that it doesn’t matter if Arete dies. You will have to read Wazza’s ISO for this (I am ISOing orange), but yeah

/vote Solic (@astand)

  • his early posts were extremely self-aware and performative, in a way that makes me think that he’s trying to look like he doesn’t care about pressure when actually he clearly does. when pressured on it he claims it’s because FK suggested he change his style but unless the way he changed his style was ‘acting like a self-aware wolf for no reason’ that doesn’t really explain things?
  • the depth of thought in his posts has overall been low compared to what I know he’s capable of, I know some of this is probably him being busy but his reads are very surface level
    (I’m not going to quote posts for this because it’s essentially his entire Iso)
  • his read on my slot feels bad faith, I’m trying to avoid being biased here because it’s my slot but as far as I can tell the entire basis of his push is 1-2 games of meta despite the fact that he’s literally never even played with scum!Surge and that he explicitly called out an earlier meta-read on him for only referencing a single game. The post where he voted me also feels tonally off, like, it doesn’t feel like he’s speaking to someone he genuinely believes is a wolf.

I mean yeah, your last game is basically a central example of what I mean, you zeroed in on Helen for being useless while ignoring all the other useless slots and then when you came under pressure you defended yourself with ‘I pushed Helen and Helen was scum’

Well tbh, I did actually read those slots as town for the most part. I would have made those reads as town as well. Emma was leading the executions, so I didn’t really have to shade people much. I went in and read them like I would as town

I can back this to see what happens

/vote solic

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love you for this LMAO

Good. Don’t discuss it further then.

as expected from me.

I’ve never done this.

snh, I wasn’t claiming Self-Resolving, I claimed Lie Detector and holy that worked and it was stressful but fun.