Umineko FM - Game Over - Mafia Wins

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Arete Cattail, Santa, BillNyeTheScienceGuy, Solic 4/10
EliThePsycho orangeandblack5, Rue, Conduit 3/10
Solic SirDerpsAlot, Arete, Hippoyeetus 3/10
Santa PokemonKidRyan 1/10
Hippoyeetus sulit 1/10
Strawberry_Shortcake ErikaFurudo 1/10
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, EliThePsycho, The Occult, Centuries, Strawberry_Shortcake, Wazza 6

im not saying youā€™ve done a self resolving play before, but plenty of people do and I know you are more than capable of it. Like i said it doesnt make you mafia I was just contesting someone who was giving you townie points for it.

Do you think you should get townie points for claiming self resolving?

no I just donā€™t think people should vote me until I literally confirm myself.

I stated that I will be confirmed by D2. And chances are, yes, I will indeed be confirmed by D2 now.


If I self-resolve or not depends on how competent this Town is.

And right now, they arenā€™t looking so good.

If Waz is actually 100% confirmed town D2 I will go into shock because every time someone says this they confirm that theyā€™re a tracker or something lol.

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I am a Tracker

(((thatā€™s a joke donā€™t believe it)))

I think this is town

Conduit - newbie who actually has reads and writes substantive posts is >rand V, I had some concerns about the hedginess of some of their reads but those reads were paired with other, non-hedgy reads so I think itā€™s more likely to be villagery uncertainty. also they were cursed by the NPC

Santa - Cattail claimed a greencheck here, also their treatment of my slot points to them not having TMI on me as Iā€™d expect them to be more cautious about their read were they scum

orange - while I was reading up several of his posts pinged me as distinctively villagery, not going to quote them again because I want to be able to get to sleep

Cattail - emotion earlier seemed genuine in a way that I found villagery, also assuming V!Santa the fake greencheck makes more sense from a town motivation than a scum one (and I donā€™t think theyā€™d fake a greencheck there as W/W)

>rand town
Rue - felt like I was mindmelding with them a lot as I read up

sulit - flipped out at people in a way that I think she would be unlikely to do as scum, also her posts have more energy than her typical scumgame. n.b.: should be an easy read D2-D3 as her WiM tends to fall off a cliff when sheā€™s scum

Centuries - Iā€™ve gone back and forth on this one a lot because wow does he have some posts that ping me but his explanations for those posts make sense and I think otherwise heā€™s at least somewhat villagery

Erika - not going to lie this is mostly tone

[shrug emoji]


kinda wolfy
PKR - the fact that I hate most of his posts isnā€™t actually AI for him but to the extent theyā€™ve pulled me in either direction theyā€™ve pulled me towards him being scum.

Derps - some of his posts felt like they donā€™t make sense from the perspective of a villager without TMI, e.g. harddefending Gorta after Gorta made a single post

Solic - see above case

Special cases

Wazza - claims self-resolving, if he doesnā€™t self-resolve then kill him

Occult - NPC, basically outed W from weird unexplained shot but also ā€¦ is an NPC ā€¦

So were you voting seth mostly for his perceived inability to pick up what youā€™re putting down?

NPC? Where are you getting NPC from?

ā€˜NPCā€™ in FM terms is like, they appear on the playerlist and can do things, but arenā€™t themselves a player

Ohh, okay you really confused me.

I donā€™t like the fact they cursed the newbie tbh though.

anyways Iā€™m going to sleep, see you all an hour before EoD

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This opening bothers me

especially this interaction with Derps. I know it could be a joke. but
I still donā€™t like it

This interaction is kind of meh as well. I donā€™t like the focus on mech bs
so early. Like voting an NPC is obviously -EV for town and I would think
someone like Orange would avoid it

So far what I hate the most is that 40 of their initial posts are just fluff
and no solving whatsoever

about 50 posts in orange does make something resembling a read,
which I think is an ok look so far. I think the read is kind of bs for now,
but itā€™s a read. It does kind of read of shade, but I donā€™t want to commit to
that until I ISO Eli.

Why is this even important? Of course flavor is likely non AI, but why even
bring it up?

These posts do make me feel slightly better about orange

Finally! This is what I look for in villagers

I am sad that you didnā€™t go through with it even if PK just had 50 posts.
I wish you could case that better. I donā€™t care if PK had 15,20, or 100 posts
I want to see you follow through with your word.

I do semi like this interaction. It kind of reminds me of how I play, but this
is not something I will clear orange on.

more posts that I like from orange

I need a break from this, but as for the read. I didnā€™t like this slot as much at first, but I think they do improve down the line. Itā€™s still a town lean, butI donā€™t think they are a wolf. For someone like Orange I donā€™t clear them for just solving and in this case I think the solving is pretty decent and them being busy semi goes with them not making more reads. Then again I havenā€™t seen many orange scum games, but screw meta. Tonally this slot reads town and they do improve. The only reason that this is a town lean is that I donā€™t trust my read super well (I am not as good at reading players I donā€™t have experience with)

When you get back I want you to explain your read on my slot.

Centuries and Derps is up next, but I need to take a break from this thread. That orange ISO took it out of me

I am partially joking around when it comes to that slot because its not like it is a 19th player who I can analyse. But also, it curses others and it is likely piloted by scum as I cannot imagine ā€œThe Occultā€ being a towny NPC who curses others.

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I isoā€™d arete and he doesnā€™t actually look that townie tbh, dunno why I sheeped him onto Solic lol


Nonetheless, I donā€™t know either.