Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

How do some of you guys type so much that I suddenly don’t have a problem with typing too much anymore

You fail to understand that I’m lazy and wasn’t reading app theirfore not really paying attention to what they said

for a second I did a double take and thought I had somehow missed that Apprentice was in the game but you meant Appelsiini lol


bro you weren’t supposed to tell the town that :flushed:

Welcome to the year 2019
We talk a lot.

Also, genuine thoughts that you don’t like dne performative

@SirDerpsAlot if it’s going to exist, it needs to exist like

your WIM i mean

hE’s NoT bAcKrEaDiNg UnTiL dAy 4

ToO mAnY pOsTs

You should’ve still?? Seen?? The fact I stated I agreed with appel several times? It doesn’t add up to me

Who u targeting tonight?

I don’t want to potentially self incriminate but I’m like this with Seth almost all the time tbh. Unless he’s somehow villagery

myself :pensive:

I shall now steal from myself

Really though
What are u gonna do?


this is what im talking about

what is the point of this post

youre just trying to annoy me

i’ve made it clear what I don’t like about your posts but it seems like youre trying to push my buttons.


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fuck you caught our wolf theatre


And you’re just tunneled to the point where if I got greenchecked you’d piss your pants and call me a tailor