Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

but muh ego

mā€™go to bed

also i think night is a really likely wolf

appel should be copped
or windward

they have the most deepwolf equity

SDA is also a fine cop

If Me, Chloe, Windward and Appel are all village

the scum never had a chance dude

itā€™s such a strong core


lightā€™s claim doesnt add up with any of his actions yesterday
his EoD contradicts what he said today

he went from ā€˜SHOOT ME GODDAMNITā€™ to ā€˜i cant be shot, im bp lolā€™ as soon as the omegagodfather was in contention as a wagon

and now he suddenly has the will to live even though
now more than ever
we can afford his ML since we got a wolf out
andā€¦ thinks hes gunna be targeted by anticlaim
hugeass mindset shift
(i dont understand why he wants me to visit him tonight btw)


theresmore but my mind is blank rn pretend this is an entire beautiful case

actually this happened minus appel in shortnite

and we imploded

so maybe appel is the superglue that holds this town together

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Lightingale are the two iā€™m willing to yeet today

/vote Light

@Aelin but iā€™m not tunneling
come convince me youā€™re a villager

a wise tree once told me that if there is no amount of evidence that could convince me iā€™m wrong, iā€™m tunneling too much

so the evidence i need is for you to come become obvious town like you were in shortnite

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small part of brain still says ā€˜twtbaw!!!ā€™

the worst part of the scum!light world is that this post isnt genuine :pensive:

/vote Light

good night, gamer thread

good night, gamer bread

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appelsiini Light, min 2/8
Nightingale Marluxion 1/8
ChopChop PokemonKidRyan 1/8
YoubutWorse GGhana 1/8
Light Chloe 1/8
Not voting Appelsiini, ChopChop, EliThePsycho, Nightingale, SirDerpsAlot, Spak, WindwardAway, YoubutWorse 8

Reread my claim if you need to

Iā€™m a good wolf Iā€™m just lazy

After my poor start thatā€™ll be kinda difficult :sweat_smile:

Let me sum up my thought processes here:

  1. tone reads are good, lemme follow those
  2. tunneling is bad, letā€™s not do that
  3. antagonizing Ghana is funny (:blue_heart:)
  4. My role feels weak and Iā€™m a contentious slot in the PoE and Iā€™d rather justā€¦ be deadā„¢ over other people who have unknown roles and I think flip town
  5. Okay, this isnā€™t happening so I guess Iā€™ll just hope for a rolecop tonight and sheep Marl and blame him if heā€™s wrong on Gorta. I donā€™t think he does but at the same time I donā€™t understand wtf is up with Gorta.
  6. holy shit pog flip on gorta
  7. wtf 7.1) my color is different from the flipped town members, 7.2) why am I so much weaker than the flipped town members, 7.3) I just read up on my flavor and thereā€™s absolutely no reason I should be this weak, 7.4) Conclusion: I get better over time and thatā€™s why Iā€™m supposed to survive?
  8. Okay donā€™t kill me nerds