Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

Can I have your readslist please.

Thatā€™s your PoE?


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He claims you arenā€™t in a Neighborhood with him.

Or we was double bluffing


Man get me to endgame and Iā€™ll put in work, but right now Iā€™m just tryna stay afloat and read up lol

@Appelsiini @ChopChop Gonna be honest, Iā€™ve still got another 400 posts toDay to read up on, and Iā€™ve got about 500 from EoD yesterDay iirc. Iā€™ve dedicated this whole day to Mafia if need be; if Iā€™d give you a readlist right now based on gut:

Chloe/Marl hard towncore, YBW town lean based on his start of D1 being vastly different from the one game I played with him (he was lone wolf), PKR and GGhana seem alright (donā€™t have any more info on them), and I appreciate the effort Windward has been going through to ISO (although Iā€™ll have to reread their cases to see if I follow with their thought process). Light still scum, SDA either noobtown or overcompensating scum. People seem to be clearing him, though, so I mightā€™ve missed some N1 claimed actions?

So in a more digestible form:

  • Town Read: Chloe, Marl
  • Town Lean: YBW, Windward
  • Town Gut: PKR, GGhana
  • Null/Not Enough Info: ChopChop, Eli, Night
  • Scum Read: Light

Hopefully as I go back through and refine these later; itā€™s just kinda info overload right now, and only some of itā€™s sticking lol.


Oh did Appel ask for a Readslist as well?
That fruity must have beat me to it!

Iā€™ll squeeze that fruit! :smiley_cat:

(brb, makin myself a sammich)

Iv been playing fm for at least a year now

Whatā€™s your read on Night and Min?

Also explain your GGhana Gut.

Iā€™ll take being gutread as town I guess

So PKR whatā€™s your readslist?

Iā€™m on mobile rn.
Will do it later.

Marlā€™s basically lock town to me.
Chloe likely is town.
Youā€™re annoyingly likely to be town.

Appelā€™s wolf because of gun.
Lightā€™s maybe wolf because of interactions with potential teammates.
Night maybe wolf? I need to dive

This would be my 3 villager, 3 wolf GTH rn before I get on laptop

Whatā€™s your read on Spak, GGhana and Windward?

Iā€™ve seen people who have played for longer that still register as noobtown tbh

GGhana gut is purely that. Like I said, I havenā€™t had time to go back and re-read the slot but I remember liking what they were saying yesterDay. Canā€™t elaborate until I read up.

Min is someone Iā€™m sus on, but have some reason to believe they might be innocent. I can remember literally nothing that Night has done lol.

I know Night was small talking with Min about 100% and 50%ā€™s or something but yeah Iā€™m with you on that I donā€™t remember much from them.

Please donā€™t.

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