Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

that was more implied where you had to actually fall for it
the thing in that game much closer to this was the desperado / masonizer fucking up on godfathers and the sk

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We were in Antarctica the entire time

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Overall the mechanic wasnā€™t that bad
It was more that it was explained in a manner that was extremely subject to misinterpretation depending on what roles flipped


If rudolf flipped then you definitely could make that connection

also since people thought there werenā€™t fake claims provided for wolves
there were lol
but Seth chose his own fake claim that wasnā€™t on the list, and the rest of us just never fake claimed

on a funnier note


Correction: fake flavors.

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yes, sorry, I shouldā€™ve specified.
we were provided with fake flavors.

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tbh I think it could range from complete bs to completely fair depending on what you expected going in

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Also recommend not including rival based roles in any small-er game because they tend to be swingy as fuuuuuuuck


I donā€™t really see a world where town win after one of the two flip without a tinfoil cop check

I donā€™t think any of us was playing under the bastard presumption though even though the OP stated it

So itā€™s probably my fault for not being more paranoid of what the bastard elements were.


Yaay! Victory!

Next time, uh, maybe donā€™t quickhammer 4 times in a row. Kind of shame that town lost all motivation to re-evaluate, but it is what it is. Wind, I know you did get cleared because lolmech, but Iā€™m still giving you props for doing well socially^^

Marl did well with pushing me and I admit I got tricked, I didnā€™t really bother to think about whether or not your role made any sense mechanically. I guess thatā€™s something I need to think about more in my future games as well

Anyway, had fun playing and all that


The quick hammers are not the reason we lost and I will die on this hill

No amount of social convincing would have led this game to a town win post day 3

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what if weā€™d let Spak actually talk after D3 lol



oh I donā€™t think you win unless spak megabrains it and anounces that ā€œwolfā€ is green in his rolecard

it just kinda kills the game for players to not even be allowed to post


I wonā€™t contest this take
But you canā€™t deny that they were really funny

Nothing he could have said would have changed my poe

We might have gone seth first and then you and pkr or me and you vs spak in final 3

Seth flipping mafia after confirming pkrs claim would have made me kill pkr in final 3

oh you guys also couldnā€™t have won in lylo if wind was alive