Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

also wolves are frozen :joy_cat:

wolves canā€™t figure out which tree you like smh

hes just a player, not a father.

nobody has solved my tree!

how many guesses am i allowed

well, I already submitted and i know Iā€™m wrong so Iā€™m just chillinā€™ and watching other people guess

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Iā€™m tired so Iā€™m gonna take a nap and respond later

Cant wait to wake up to 300 replies


i have min and windy as town so far
@Chloe get rekt iā€™m winning the solving race

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read: why pay 3 gold for an explosive box when you can guess a tree instead?

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anybody wanna see an abomination?


I canā€™t tell if thatā€™s a serious question or not

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I have a take

The event discussion is not really doing anything, to be fair. Itā€™s completely NAI which tree Marl likes, and I feel like wolves would be more inclined to post more rather than stay silent because itā€™s an easy way to look productive without actually discussing anything substantial?

I would say that therefore Marl having the top posters as town is lolā€¦ if it werenā€™t for the fact that my short-term memory is awful and I already forgot half the posts here

With that said, Wind and Marl (yes, you too) Iā€™m keeping an eye on you :eyes:

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Min and wind arenā€™t town because theyā€™re the top posters
theyā€™re town because i can read their souls

you may not have gotten the memo but i possess the GODREADS of LEGEND

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(this is meant to set me up to look like an idiot when im inevitably wrong on one of my reads for comedic effect)

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oh, I didnā€™t even notice Min and I were top posters until you pointed that out. thatā€™sā€¦ interesting?

well, at least this isnā€™t mountainous lol


Why are you doubting your reads already

also I was gonna argue with this but you havenā€™t misread me in a single game so far :thinking:

Iā€™m not iā€™m trying to be funny :<