Umineko FM: Turn of the Golden Witch - Game Over - Wolves Win

that is not what i thought he meant by smash

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Hey guys

Who wants some

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why didn’t kinzo hire ganon to work at his mansion smh smh


This is a serious question btw

about getting drunk on covid?

speaking of, wind

you tested positive for. corona

so sad :disappointed:

RIP, time to isolate

Zepar and Furfur
I think thats how you spell them

Anyways i thought Shurian/CRich were softing the exact same roles ngl

I know this is a closed setup and supposed to be for fun and memes and stuff but bruh
Be so obvious
It annoys me

I’ll stop
But man

this is a redcheck soft

Am I the only one who didn’t see their softs or am I dumb

Not at all actually

oh it was?

quietly retracts my super godfather ninja strongman naive cop claim


this is a greencheck soft

No it wasn’t

nah I didn’t notice either, I only noticed that they kind of towncored each other but i just thought they’d signalled

It’s not a check at all

Wind has covid

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they do?

come closer so i can cough on you