Well, my thing is: Why make your own trading system, when you can utilize an already in place popular market? On top of that, if you utilize the Steam Inventory system, you (the developers) can set Item’s to nonmarketable & nontradeable (for items such as the Kickstarter exclusive armor and sword, heck you could probably even use it to assign the Kickstarter role/rank to a steam profile to verify it’s them… like you know, so no one gets any funny ideas and starts selling their account, or being hacked by someone)
And considering Throne of Lies is going to be a game on Steam, might as well, right?
Some links relating to this topic:
- An item store to purchase the gold, or skins. http://store.steampowered.com/itemstore/252490/ (<— an example of how it could also be used)
- https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/332-identifying-steam-items/
Images: http://image.prntscr.com/image/1c084161bbd04941a4ba7b76d87657ec.png (Example of a game that does this already, many games do it, because it’s a good way.)
Let me know what you think below.