Vanilla Flipless FM — Vote on reroll or can


This game is newbie friendly. Please if you have experience wait until the time given below before signing up.

Timer (OP/GM: Set the timer here, swap out the link)

Open to all.



Days will be 3 IRL days long, or shorter if someone reaches majority
There is no such thing as a “night”
There are no night actions.
The mafia faction will talk through a separate message chat hosted on this server.
There are two factions Town and Mafia.
There will be 7 town and 2 Mafia.

Your Vote (Passive) - You have your vote. Use it to try to lynch the mafia.
You win when all the mafia have been lynched and rocks have not crushed you.

Your Vote (Passive) - You have your vote. Use it to try to lynch the town.
A Partner In Crime (Passive) - You have a partner who is also in this mafia chat.
Mafia Chat (Passive) - Throughout the entire game you will be able to use this mafia chat to talk with your buddy.
You win when if at any point the number of mafia players alive equal the number of town players.

When you receive a card you will have at least 24 hours to reply (in your card), confirming you have received it. Due to the nature of this game, there will not be a Day Zero and confirmation will be in the class cards.

Game Day

To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]
The day will continue until either the time has elapsed or a player reaches majority.
Majority is number of players divided by 2, rounded up if necessary.
Once a player has been lynched there will then be a brief twilight after the flip for scum to gather their bearings. This also allows day opens to occur around the same time. The alignment of the player lynched will not be shown to players.
Once this brief twilight begins, it will be the next day. This twilight is so that way the moderator can try to be online (or a vote helper) towards the end of the day when votes tend to change.
Should the game go without a lynch for three game days, rocks fall and everyone (town and scum included) die and lose.

General Advice

This game has very limited messaging. Vote counts will use a standard format and vote count helpers will do their best to avoid interacting with players as interactions are the main source of reads for the game. Questions etc should be left in class cards. This game is meant to be Aspie friendly, so I will not be making jokes or such in the thread.

While there are no alignment reveals by the mod, if the game has had two lynches and the game goes onto the next day, one or more of the two prior lynches were on town. If they were both scum the game would be over. Looking back, people “too sure” that the wagons were mislynches or “weakly limping” may be good places to start.

At the same time, this is good practice for scum. If you’re scum, practice talking a lot. In this setup, inactivity generally gets punished with a policy lynch. Purgatory, on this site, can be seen to show a good example of how to find scum in a vanilla game. This setup has been done on MS before. If anyone expresses an interest in the link I will put it here.

Should anyone have questions about general strategy before alignments are rolled, I will give some general tips. However some of this is wine, and you’ll have to see what does and doesn’t apply as the game goes. Once the game has been rolled, this advice will not be given.

As a reminder, claiming mafia (even in jest or if people know) is generally very bad for your team here. Do not do it.


This game does not have journals or last wills, as this game does not have a night.

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want. Please try to make it visible.




  1. Geyde
  2. Abkaal
  3. PoisonedSquid
  4. H_Hjasik
  5. FireKitten
  6. Marluxion
  7. Captain
  8. Icibalus
  9. Bluestorm


  1. Meteoro

Vote count helpers/Co Hosts (Changed my mind they will be told alignments but we still will try to start at 7 PM PST unless that is too long.)

  1. Midonik Confirmed
  2. Insanity Confirmed

Spectators (no spoilers):

  1. Luxy
  2. MaximusPrime
  3. Tw1light

Have fun! Thanks for letting me mod. This game has a preference for the first 72 hours for people who are either new or people who wish to play in a spectrum friendly game or have mentioned such. It is still competitive and will be tracked in the competitive sheet Marl has. If after 72 hours of signups the game has not filled then this will open up to the remainder of the site. Should this game fill up incredibly fast, I will not start it until 7 PM PST on a given day (and most game days I will try to start then as well.)

Please do not “troll” or “joke” about modkillable offenses in this game. These will be looked upon in a not so good light. Because this game is flipless, “modkilling” a slot and continuing is likely not an option. Please also do not talk with other players after death except in the dead chat. This includes if you both are dead, as I have had an issue where people did this in a wrong discord channel before and it cause issues.

This being said let’s play some flipless mafia.
This is one of my favorite kinds of mafia because it focuses more on interactions and reading people and you can’t wait for the PR to give you things.

I’d also love to have a few vote count helpers for when I am at work or asleep. I can generally play but doing vote counts takes a lot more memory than I can generally devote at work.

Thanks for the opportunity to mod a game here!

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Please and thank you :slight_smile: I need someone to help from different time zones. :slight_smile: Adding you to the list.


You may want to remove “Newbie Friendly” from the title since i’m joining :wink:
No Newbies are safe here

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I am sorry. This is newbie friendly for 72 hours since I made the thread. Would you like me to get you after 72 hours have passed and the game isn’t full?

I just want to make sure we get all sorts of people to all sorts of good things :slight_smile:

Hjasik isn’t a newbie

He’s been in like 4 competetive games and multiple SFoLS


So if you’re going to make it newbie friendly at least be fair and remove hjasik :thinking:

until 72 hours have passed

I am sorry. :frowning: I will apologize to hjasik and make it right :frowning:

You also forgot to include any mention of “only newbies can join” in the OP
Probably should put that near the top

It’s at the bottom. I will add it to the top though too.

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ah i see, it’s hidden there
should have it near the top though so it’s more obvious

I need this


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I am newbie /in /s