Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

It is very de-nerving to search for this topic, yet alone post here again.

Today, it is my dogs 7th Birthday. Today, 2 years ago, she had an operation to take out her womb. She recovered after a few months. But I can’t help but keep having the thought in my head that my dog won’t be there soon, and that scares me, my dog is basically my only IRL friend as I’m bullied a lot and basically just a loner. So I keep sitting here, questioning my already semi-depressed self, wondering what I’m going to do when she passes away and I’m scared for my own safety.

Okay, vent over.


Programmer rage sigh.

Why are people scared of anything that is not exactly an Excel sheet. :roll_eyes:


Google docs sheet lurks

why are these forums devoted entirely to roleplaying


ah great memories in this thread.

Pug is back?

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Wazza convinced pug to come back


Welcome Back!

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Lightsin why is your taste in games so good

Cause EA ruined my star wars battlefront series so I had to come out of my hole to find some quality content

ok but for real most likely because I played the living shit out of Star Wars Battlefront 2 as a kid, then got into the modern warfare series into my pre-teens

I’m talking mostly about Siege/Titanfall

But I guess if that’s how you got there that’s chill too :laughing:

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Oh sorry

So I found the original titanfall in gamestop cheap I think during 2015, and was like “hmm, big mechs and guns, sounds cool”
First match in the game, I was instantly hooked. The sheer unstoppable gameplay of the titan and the fast paced gamestyle of the pilot was fun(even though TF2 basically made you feel like sonic, sweet)

And then with siege I saw the trailer and it looked fun, so I bought it. I also had played other games of the rainbow six series(Vegas 2)Very fun, I enjoyed my days as Blitz, Montagne, Sledge, and Thermite



Oh boy what happened.

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I’m not sure, just stomach growlings that forced me to leave work early to the most painful bike ride ever. I hope it passes after a night’s sleep.


Hope you’ll get better

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stop replaying songs I like an octave higher
it’s really annoying

More annoying than me?

Hey Icibalus

Stop listening to nightcore :^)