Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

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There is anti anti bug bug so better prepeare

I am thinking why did you not call someone professional to remove the wasp for you :eyes:

(At least that is how it works in Taiwan)

I would just call thanos

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But there is only 50% chance of killing that one wasp.


But what if they kill half the wasp

Thanos already killed the Wasp, what are you talking about?


I forgot how specific this thread’s title was

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He bacc


Who knows, maybe

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/delete life

What happened bb

Alright I’m just gonna vent here about shit that happened in my school today

So normal day, I check my gradebook and all my classes to see how everything’s doing. Struggling with some classes, but oh well. I then check my chem. And there’s a zero for a test that I missed about 2 weeks ago that I made up as soon as possible. Now, I went to my teacher, and she responded that she didn’t have it, standard stuff. But then she says that she remembers that I said I’ll do it later(the actual thing she was referring to was a quiz I missed thanks to influenza). But the worst fucking part is that she thinks I’m lying when I’m telling her I did it 2 weeks ago. She didn’t believe it. Like fucking hell, did she seriously question my integrity? Say whatever the fuck you want about my music taste, or my fucking taste in gaming. But fuck off, my integrity shouldn’t be challenged, But here we are. Anyway,I tried to figure out what the fuck happened between the time I did the test to now, and so far nothing. I’ll update this, but fucking hell.

Jesus christ, why are schools so fucking unorganized that when a student does a fucking test it just disappears, and it’s automatically my fault cause of it. Oh and now I’m failing that class now, cause of that fucking 0.

I have been working for about five weeks at my new job and I still have yet to be payed, mostly due to a lot of things in the departments just being slow, and not getting paper work on how I will get payed until two weeks into my job. Now my direct deposit is finally close to being set up, and maybe soon I will finally get payed, but until then this is gonna be stuck on the back of mind wondering if it’s ever gonna go through.


Can you not take the test again? And wouldn’t it be easier the second time?

I did, and luckily now that’s taken care of.




Not worth getting mad over :+1:

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Youtube recommendations just casually spoiling an entire finale for me with one shot.

Just. Great.

