Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

nightcore is a plague, and I have no inteniton of touching it anytime soon.
No, it’s just listening to the final verse of Wait For It from Hamilton an octave higher sounds horrible and I can’t stop replaying it mentally.


like seriously brain
You like Hamilton, why are you trying to ruin it?

How to P. Off Icibalus

Go to Ici’s neihbours house
Play nightcore real loud
Snicker when he bangs on your door saying ‘IT’S THE PLAGUE! THE PLAAAAAAGUUUEEEE!!’

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Aaaaaannnnnddd both of the new R6 operators suck ass

At least the rest of the season seems alright?

The Aussies? I havent tried them, or are there newer ones?

have you not read my title? i do that anyway

Newer new ones

Official full reveal is this weekend but I know enough already to know they both suck

what are they?


Happy Vent!

I actually feel like I have a friend for once, someone who I can actually believe cares about me. While talking to them I started crying and I don’t know why? Maybe it’s because I finally got a friend who I can believe cares about me or maybe it’s because I realised I’m not very cared about, who cares.

I’m just happy to know I have someone I feel like I can trust.


What’s R6, and how does it relate to solar car racing?

Rainbow six siege

yeah i guess that makes sense

Sometimes that’s all it takes

Feels very bad man

Also, yes im back and how is Aussie land?

Nice Thanatos

Also lol I’m not going there until late August

Gotta actually build a car first


well then, mb

How is the car building going then??


We haven’t yet had to work more than 12 hours a day consistently

I’m sure we will eventually but for now it’s a steady 9 to 9, not bad

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