Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

how could you


Welcome to the club, here’s some free popcorn


sorry lower-case gang…

…That I joined the upper-case gang



Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Memesky the Wise? I thought not, it’s not a story the lowercase gang would tell you. It’s an uppercase legend. Memesky was an amazing lord of the uppercase gang, so powerful and so wise he could use the Memes to influence mid-chlorians to go in his favor… He had such a knowledge of the meme side that he could even topple the strongest no u’s. The uppercase side of the forum is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was going offline, which eventually, he did. Unfortunately, he used all of his memes, and his former people that laughed at his jokes turned on him. Memesky never saw it coming. It’s Ironic, he could make people want to play but not himself… It isn’t possible to learn this power from a lowercase gang.


Welcome Htm
have a seat



Join myself, MathBlade and H_Hjasik in the double uppercase gang


Guess we gotta go look for htm again he disappeared just as fast as he came back

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Sweet found my club

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Join the ToL classes gang

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A wise choice, indeed.

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Actually the right answer.

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The Reaper gang. :upside_down_face:

Still waiting on that reaper emoji

Now that I’m in the venting thread, why do they have it for so many classes, but not Reaper. Aaaahhhh



orders a depresso espresso

I’m not ready to leave my uni mates behind, I just can’t deal with it

They’ve shaped so much of who I am today that the thought of them going and probably not seeing them again is something that’s breaking my spirit right now

Wait is that where your name came from

I get that, but luckily, at the same time, it’s easier than ever to stay connected in the modern era.

Keeping in touch digitally is still better than nothing by a lot, after all.

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That studio I was raving on about was taken and the counteroffer studio is again in the meehhhh range, which is the worst range to be in, because it’s not bad enough to decline instantly, but it doesn’t make me feel all butterflies. Of course I have to decide today too, because housing markets are blegh. Aaaahhhh Disappointments.

Go cheap until you have more behind you in your career and a reason to step up imo

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Okay time to explain everything:

I like my crush, my crush apparently likes me.
My crush has a boyfriend who is best friends to my ex who abused me.
My crush’s boyfriend almost definitely likes my ex.
My ex likes my crush’s boyfriend and still, most likely, wants to abuse me.


story of my life tbh.

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