Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)


Forgetting to put my frozen leftovers out, so now I need to wait longer.


Checks Microwave timer


the creeping anxiety you get when you leave for school, lurking at the back of your mind, asking

did you forget anything? I bet you did!


I do the same but I have no microwave

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I’m likely being softbullied and the next time that liar of a girl accuses me of shit I didn’t do to the coordinator, who thinks I’m a troublemaker for all the bullshit I was accused of doing, I will report it to the director.

The thing is that the rules of this place are absolutely petty and it is really easy to accuse me of either something I did not do or something that I actually did but does not infringe the school’s code in anyway but looks shadowy

Idk, I guess the best way to be not accusable… is being 100% truthful and lawful. Try to be more trustworthy than they are, I guess.
People tried that with me… being one of the most lawful people ever definitely helped me against any false accusations, in such an extent, that it made everyone suspicious who tried to frame me.

The thing is that it is a new coordinator since I swapped from high schooler to cram schooler, although at the same school. The old one would just tell the girl to fuck off since I was a dedicated student and etc, but the new one didn’t knew that and instasided the girl, who she knew for longer.

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You might get help from your old coordinator then, if you ask him, in case really something happens

There is one time I know she complained to the director instead of the coordinator for whatever reason, maybe even the coordinator saw it as too petty. The director entered in the class to tell everyone to chill out a bit because “someone made a ridiculous accusation against a girl because she was… toying with her hair”.
That’s the level of things.

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Old flames creeping up hmm…

I spend too much time on this thread

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Tell me more about the old flames :eyes:

This is fucking awkward.

My mate had a Halloween house party which I went to that resulted in a clock getting broken and the sink and toilet getting clogged - the toilet now also won’t stop flushing itself.

Now my mate’s mum is yelling at her and I’m just sat here feeling real fucking useless.

I’ve decided to come public about why I just suddenly outed from (almost) every game I’m in.

On the day I replaced out, life happened. As some of you may know, my granddad’s funeral was that day. The day was going fine, we had to leave at 5pm to go to Primark, a store where you buy clothes and stuff. Me, being impatient and knowing we had to leave soon (Didn’t want to leave my brother on his own at our house as only I know what he’s like), kept telling my mum that we had to leave, come on we have to leave, let’s go we have to leave. She said that she just needed to say goodbye. Hours pass. Me and my dad ended up going to sleep because we gave up with them, eventually I went back in and played around with a kid around 4 years old, we had fun and I kept picking him up, he was so cute.

Anyway, now life happens. Finally at around 1am, we get our mum into the car, she is throwing up everywhere, my sister and I were just trying to get her to drink water but she just wouldn’t and it was getting on everyone’s nerves, finally she falls asleep, peaceful ride home, right? Well yeah, that is right, my mum woke up and got inside the house, we laid her on her bed and I went up stairs to check on my brother, he’s not there, I go downstairs and ask if my brother is down there, nope. My sister is actually on the phone to him at the same time, telling us what’s going on and where he is, turns out my brother took 16 painkillers in an attempt to overdose and then he ran down to a shop called Home Bargains down in the city of where I life.

Me and my dad drive down there as fast as we can and picked up my brother and took him home, he tried to overdose because he was scared and thought someone was in the house, stupid, very stupid, I’m aware. When we got home, guess what, my mum had thrown up all over my mum and my dad’s bed, with everything going on my dad is really pissed off and cleans the bed while my mum throws up constantly in a bucket (She had a lot to drink).

Cutting this short, my sister just texted me that my mum has gone to hospital. My mum might have the thing my granddad passed away from (Pneumonia)




fuck homework and college apps

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My bf just got uninvited to an indian wedding of one of my best friends due to miscalculating the budget. We didn’t invest much like buying a ticket/visa or anything, but it still sucks… like get your guest list in order before you send invites.


I’m feeling so petty about this that a certain someone might not be invited to my future wedding if I ever have one. :smiling_imp:



Me rn: Ping shoots to 1000 every four seconds in overwatch

Also Me: Wants to take the modem to my ISP and slam it in their faces

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