Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I know this is kind of venting while Soul is still semi-venting but I just wanted to give an update real quick. For the past 3 days since Friday I’ve been acting a little differently, mainly because of what happened.

On Friday I learnt about my granddad having a heart attack and other symptoms of death, I knew about this before anyone else in my family, I wanted to tell someone but I didn’t want to be the one to upset people, I went to school, came home and learnt about my mum finding out about it, she was devastated.

On Saturday, my mum and sister decided to go and visit my granddad, they came home around 8 hours later and I heard about how my sister had cried a lot, and trust me, that upset me a lot as I’m really close with my sister as if she was my best friend. Everyone else had also left as it was getting late.

On Sunday (Today and just a few moments ago) I was talking to my mum about how they were meant to visit him today, and it turns out he died in Hospital, right after everyone had left, while getting changed he just went. But I can’t help but smile at it, sure I was crying onto my mum’s shoulder but that didn’t matter, she told me about how she had saw white feathers in the house, on her car and even in her shoe, she didn’t know it was a sign until it actually happened, this cheered me up a lot. My grandma (My granddad’s wife) died on September 30th, 2 days before my birthday, 3 days before my sisters birthday, and my granddad died 3 days after my birthday and 2 days after my sisters birthday. The best coincidence is that their anniversary is on the 4th October. So everyone is looking at it as if they are starting their 54th anniversary together in Heaven.

TL;DR: Granddad passed away on the same week of my birthday, my sisters birthday and the week his wife (my grandma) died. Their anniversary is a day before my granddad died and everyone is looking at it as if they are starting their 54th anniversary together.


Sadly death is apart of life, I personally have a dead grandpa (who died when I was around 11). My grandma is alive but she’s been sad and lonely ever since, everyone deals with death in life one way or another we all cope in different ways, but I know your loved ones would want you to be happy, they would want you to enjoy life.

It’s not really easy to respond to something like this but you’re not alone, it takes time to comprehend something like that.

I’ve had my mother almost died near my 14th birthday I wouldn’t of known what the hell to do with myself considering I haven’t spoken to my father since I was 10. Sometimes tragic events will randomly happen everyone should always spend time with family they love and care about because you will never know what will happen.



I am going to my granddad’s funeral, I refuse to miss this one, I’ve always had to miss them in the past and I know it’s not a happy place to be, but I really just want to pay my respects.

Additionally, my week’s gotten worse, my mum has gotten ill (I think with the flu) and my dad is still ill, additionally I think my dog might be ill and we can’t afford a vet to find out with everything going on right now but she’s showing signs of being better, I’ll continue to update here as my life get’s worse/better.




What’s the matter?

Also Funeral is next Friday.


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Been have a shitty week. Can’t get my motivation up to do much else other than routine


I feel ya man, but you’ll get over it soon, normally a good rest can help things like that, try get an early night tonight.

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> gets enough courage to ask for a psychologist
> parents go from indifference and “ye she’s that way” to treating you as if you were a lost insane cause which needs to be internalized asap



hey what matters is that you know what you need and are working to improve

sometimes parents don’t understand what it’s like or can’t adjust/adapt

probs bc having a therapist/psychologist was seen as super bad back in the day just bc of the stigma of mental and insane ppl even tho it’s completely normal (and unfortunately it’s getting more and more common due to the ever increasing pressures of everyday life)

but still, good on you for taking the first step, and we’re here if u ever need someone to talk to


Parents are often straight up overstrained with the fact that their child needs help. It’s really sad, since that’s exactly the moment when you would need their love and support the most.
Sometimes, getting a bit distance to your parents is important. There is nothing wrong in seeking help.
I had to leave home and live with my grandparents for some time because of this. They didn’t understand much of this either BUT they supported me neithertheless, but I had to follow their pretty strict home rules… which gave me the stability I needed.


I will have an exam from 8 am to 6pm on Saturday
You kow what
Fuck Friday I am skipping that class

My eyes hurt so much because the only day I self control well I couldn’t sleep early because of anxiety

Will try to go because I promised to dad I would try to not skip classes


Everything is stupid, reeee.
I’m stressed by irl work, I’m stressed by kinda everything rn, I really need to chill out for some time. I wish everything would be fine, but fact is, it isn’t. My mental health is shit, and I’m back to work for parttime, and I think I can stay with it, but I just have a hard time rn. It’s all a bit much.

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Didn’t. Oof oof ie.

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Spent all day trying to 3d print stuff for school and ofc out of the four prints 1.5 of them are working. And these are small printers and I’m printing a whole sword. So every piece I have to do separately add so much fucking time. Now if more than one machine worked at any given time I could get the whole sword done in like 8-10 hours instead of thr like 24 its gonna take me

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how does half of a print work

It works but theres a spot on the machine that wont print so I had to actively avoid it to print and when I’m printing 11 giant pieces of a sword it’s pretty damn annoying

Need to sleep earlier.jpg