Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

‘At what age is calculus taught, and what material is covered’ is one of those things that varies a lot by school

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wait we didn’t have derivatives
he picked it up because he is a nerd

i mean at my school age in particular doesnt really matter.
like especially for science.
after biology you can take whatever in whatever order, as long as AP is after normal.
and for math generally theres a certain order, but some people are farther along than others.
for instance when i was in 10th grade i had both 11th graders and some 12th graders in the claiss

also im like planning on majoring in math so like my experience with math really isnt the norm

I think that the hardest we did was very brieeeeftly breezing over parametrization
I only know that parametrization is A+B *(sen or cos)(Cx + D) lmao

and matrices
fuck matrices.

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A fucking men


ah y’see i have no idea what that is.


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I got really lucky because my state had this weird accelerated math program so I just did that instead of taking math at my high school but that’s not an opportunity most people would have had

My school theoretically didn’t grade-restrict math classes (though there was a “standard” one) but if you went to them and were like ‘hello yes I am a 4th grader who would like to take pre-algebra’ they were unlikely to let you do it even if you totally could have understood the material

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matrices made me cry for the first time this year.

and then poetry season hit.

not a great time for me

I know the parametrization specifically of sen/cos functions
it’s “how to make a formula from a graphic” I think

poetry should be easier in Brazil by the sole fact that latin-based languages have SYLLABES THAT MAKE SENSE

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for me everything before middleschool is preplanned, except for some people were in the honors thing, and that was the only thing that was different.

but in like 5th grade there was this weird aptitude test where it was math, but it was specifically stuff we hadnt been taught. the idea was that it was testing your ability to learn on the go.
after that you can go esentially one level up and theres a couple other skips you can do

do you mean sin and cos or is sen something im unaware of

yep, sin and cos

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I moved 2 grades up in math with the rest of my freinds like 8 years ago and stayed on that level but im a dumbass so ive always been the sucky one.

I could go the route of never having to take math again after only freshman year, but i’d rather do all my math in high school and never take college math because lord knows i won’t be able to handle math in college

i sequence broke my math class order

But, for instance, one of my friends who went to a normal public school and didn’t do any weird math programs was soft-disallowed from taking calc before senior year even though he could have sequencing-wise taken it as early as sophomore year

I think they ended up letting him do it but his parents had to fight for it

i technically had all 3 of the math credits required for a standard high school degree by the end of eighth grade but if im the type of person to make it there do you think im the type of person to stop there?

like 1st grade be made a major life decision when choosing what math to take.

they let like 3 “gifted” students move up 2 grades in math at my middle school(partner dumbass catholic school with my high school) and i can’t just go back now

you did alg2 in 8th grade?

mad respect

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yeah, 6/7, algebra, then i took geometry over the summer