Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

I don’t know what either a C6 or an A2 is

Oh also this might have come up already but in America uni and college refer to approximately the same educational stage and most people use them interchangeably

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A1 = 91~100
A2 = 75~90
B3 = 65~74
B4 = 60~64
C5 = 55~59
C6 = 50~54
Anything below is irrelevant.

all of the chinese transfer kids at my school are slackers. It’s weird.

all of the asian-american kids though have the helicopter parents

Chinese… Chinese… I do know some brilliant guys from China… and really… I believe their population size is too big to actually generalize everyone to be the strict parent types.

Asia =/= China

They code in fucking Chinese
How the fuck


yeah and my school is a dumbass catholic school because my grandparents decided to spend money so that i could spread the “good new of jesus christ”


To be fair it has a great theater program so i’m not complaining.

but it’s still a large waste of money

I am A-1

Im Z100

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Argh I had a whole article but I deleted it shdibdsuvw

Wehh too scared to post this XD

Oh well me sleep night

hey, same

except im in america.

I thought college and high school were the same thing

nah over here college and university are the same thing, but highschool is different


I have differentiation but not integration
but that’s because I’m at a cram school
I think some over-the-top particular schools would also teach it
but the public ones would never.

buuuut me and my bf picked up integration to learn for fun because we are nerds


tfw im in public school and ive gotten to derivatives of n-variable functions