Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Well we all cry sometimes, but that shouldnt stop ya. Some people might even try and see what’s up if ur sad and u might have a good conversation with them. I know sad things are a usually relatable thing to speak about, since that’s like 90% of my convos. A good cry never hurt anyone. Dont worry about it


i never cry

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I cry a lot
Not ashamed of it

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Havent had a good cry in about a month. But like yeah even Priestessbot has emotions

Haven’t cried in over a year :man_shrugging:

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I’m a very emotional person lol. I think a doctor once said it could be due to drugs I had to take to cure a disease

I went through a lot of shit this year.
I already was stressed before, but this… kinda broke something. I became severe depressive. I searched myself help, and spent over a month in the psychiatry.
Idc if you think now worse of me.
I’m a fighter, and I’ll never give up.

I need those drugs rn

It was chemotherapy, dont think u want that


I always feel so unfit everywhere all the time like I’m destinated to be a loner

lmao as if anyone would actually do that

Like you’d have to be a real coldhearted bastard to look down on someone just for that

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Even my own parents do that…

REEE im up vomiting at like 2 am the week before finals.


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I stand by my statement but assume your parents are simply acting in how they feel is your best interests

And if that’s their way of trying to get you back on your feet it’s probably best to accept it as well-intentioned

Sigh, yes they don’t mean it badly
But yea it’s still a good sign that you probably should stay away from them for a long time.

Never your a good person I wouldn’t think worse of you because you’ve gone through hard times in life a lot of people go through crap but at the end of the day you’ve got to keep getting back up and fighting to win the game of real life.

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I am currently at home after vomiting in the school bathroom this morning.

i have finals soon.


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I hope you feel better soon.

What topic is the final on?