Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Are you still alive?

Are they career criminals by any chance? Because I would politely decline if that is the case

n o

tongs are your friend then
though you might want to get a set for the purpose specifically lul

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Somehow :woman_shrugging:

What should I do with my back after finishing up my PSAT ;-;

It freaking hurt .-.

I don’t have tongs and the store is closed

then there’s only one thing left to do

Just use a shoe, or a broom/stick to kill the bugger.

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How dare you tell her to contaminate a precious shoe

I’m not a killer, if I kill one, the rest are going to attack me ;-;

Or be brave, open the window and hope the bug fly out, or bring more bug in.

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I tried, I can’t open the windows

What kind of hecking dorm are you living in :eyes:

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Our shoes are not for touching the unclean, they cost alot and deserve to be treated better than an insect swatter

The one where bugs migrate during the winter

Get a earplug and hide under the bed until you fall asleep :eyes:

Canadian shoes used to snow
Bugs mean shit

They might get into my nose 0-0

Who the heck cares in this life or death situation?