Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

Literally my question lol

Fuck you too man


You get a friendzone heart


Marl gets an undefined heart though

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Lets take this sentence with another meaning :thinking:

The Friendzone is a concept created by entitled men who think they deserve to ‘tap’ a girl because they were nice and looked out for them.

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No, the friendzone is where i stick all guys that I lowkey dislike but is too nice to say bad things to

Oh I used to as well but kinda appearanceish based
Then I realized “crap I’m trash to classify people on appearances when they are nice” and stopped it

I do it

pet softly each with their own choices

My throat hurts

No. You can be friends with people and not be attracted to them. No one is trapped in the friendzone.

Thats the friendzone m8

The place where you reside <3

I know the term is often used by incels but it does not mean it cannot describe something. Your example is like “[describes friendzone] is not friendzone”
Of course no one is obligated to fall for the nice person or who think they are nice but we can have a term to describe these said people without relying on the toxic common usage

That being said Merc notice me


notice me senpai :wink:

Am I a highkey dislike?

The way friendzone is portrayed is as a bad thing though.

Almost like this, yes

I agree entirely. It was created based on the cliche that good guys don’t get the good girls, or viceversa. It is mostly toxic masculinity and I’ve seen some friends going through these kind of relationships where the guy IS SUCH A BIG DEAL YOU KNOW but FOR SOOOME MYSTICAL REASON she isn’t on him and suddenly the world falls apart.

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