Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

you dont need an excuse to reject someone


Masculine =/= confident per se.

I think confidence is a very large part of masculinity

Incels can be overly confident and dislusional

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Warning, we are reaching shark infested waters

Are you saying confident girls are masculine?

They are not confident, they hide in online chat rooms

That’s why I said a large part.

i mean it’s not like masculinity is one specific thing y’know

Thats why i said masculine is not defined as confident

Yeah you need to lift like 200kgs to be masculine

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They think they are too good and too nice, that disillusion gives them confidence.

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Those aren’t incels, those are nice guys tm

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Sorry I meant 300kgs

It reminds me when I consolated a nice guy :tm: and went best buddies with him
then he fell for me and I saw what a sick he was :^}

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I can lift 10kgs, am I a gurl?


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No you are a robot


Hey you still better than me.