Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

let’s move to the cookie thread.

hold on to to cookies thread so we dont spam this actually importantthreadh

I do not relate but hopefully the good balances out the bad :slight_smile:

Bruh you’re in for a rough life if you’re losing motivation before you graduate high school

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Oh I relate to that tbh

There are definitely times that I personally feel like “what’s even the point?”

But then I remember some long-term goal of mine, keep my head down, and keep going

I definitely recommend setting long-term goals, and making them challenging but attainable, as it’s a great source of motivation on the occasions I feel like giving up on something

Also, you’re at the perfect age to join a sport. Maybe pick one that requires more brute-force determination than skill with a ball if the “standard” sports don’t appeal to you. Competitive running, swimming, biking, and especially rowing are all great ways to help you stay mentally and physically fit. Highly recommend.

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I should probably sleep now.

i wanted to all night but I couldnt

Imagine if EVERY TIME someone said pug the bot liked it

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High school is tough in its own ways man.

I’m the bot now

high school is a joke

I wholeheartedly agree with this though.

Sure but be sure to join a sport next school semester

Trust me - it may seem daunting if you haven’t been doing one, but it is the first choice you can make to start taking control of the apathy you’re feeling and turning it around, putting you in control.

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Me too
That’s very sweet of yours, Orange

why did I just imagine a sweet orange

I mean.

I have lots of pent up anger. Fighting might be a nice way to reduce it.
my dad does boxing at times.

I guess why am I doing this.

I’ll gladly stop myself from going insane to a point where I think of beating up a kid at my school and instead just do the same thing with someone who is willing to and is also willing to fight back.

Personally I’ve been blessed to be incredibly resistant to stress and very in-control of my thoughts and emotions, and I also never struggled at all in classes even when the courseload was twice as hard as anybody else in my grade. So I know that, personally, I never really had to face any of the issues that plague a lot of people’s teenage/young adult years.

However, I also firmly believe that that resilience is not entirely innate - the things I have chosen to do with my life, especially Scouting and rowing, have helped to build up my mental strength just as much as my physical strength, and I truly believe in the value of hard work and dedication.

If you’re ever feeling like things don’t matter, the solution, at least in my experience, is probably to do more and more challenging things with your time. Learning time management skills and how to cope with difficulty and improve as a result is immensely rewarding, and I feel it’s something many more could stand to learn.

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Actually hell yeah do some sort of martial art

That will both allow you to get out your feelings through punches, and if your instructor is worth their salt, instill the discipline to never have to come to blows with anybody for real.

I’m generally also just sick of my family arguing all the time

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they always argue with my sister or me.

(usually the former)