Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)

even though I hate math

Also why 54-100

That seems like an odd setup

It is not a minus sign

Then what is it?

A line

And like that you’ve lost me

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The setup crosses the numbers

I’d expect to be seeing (X/60)=(54/100) right now

image here her example

I see that we get to the same place

I’m just confused by the notation

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And what part of this in particular involves this “Rule of Threes”?

The entire way to get the result is the rule

How is it a rule if it’s just solving an equation lol

It is a shortcut

It’s a shortcut we teach children here before they learn factions

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What is the shortcut, what are the lines

Estoy confundido

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Oh I see

We normally just go to fractions, I guess

At the very least I have no recollection of any other way to solve this

Cross-multiply and divide is your friend