Venting Thread (Don't break the rules tho, keep it civil and shit this isn't a place to be all like "hey this guy on the forums really pisses me off" it should be about other shit)


Kiyo no :frowning:

I am really, really tired
Of so many things
It’s depressingly dull how far this keeps going

I’m so fucking done rn

We all are

I’m definitely not going to get in the high class next year.

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I’m just going to land my ass in the low class at my school due to me being a loud fuck and not being at school.

I mean if this is the case. I’m going to fucking stop going to school altogether

Don’t just give up.


Like when this is the year that after it the school can kick you out.

I’m pissed off.

well. if I cant learn anything.

maybe I will just give up

The matter will be much worse later if you give up now.

I’ve lost nearly everything.

Even the thing that matters to me the most.

There’s no need to continue in a fucked up education system.

that teachers can literally bias against you.

I’m just going to hopefully attempt to be homeschooled or just never ever go again if I’m in a lower class.

I mean. I’ll probably land my ass in special ed actually. considering the shit I do.

I might as well just quit here in Grade 10 if I cant do anything.

due to being unable to learn and unable to learn at a higher level, therefore fucking me over as I’m not allowed to go for the highest level in any subject

there’s one extension class.

I mightve got in every other year. but this year is the one I dont get in.

i mean I just wont go to school if this is the case.

I cant get in with no As, awful marks and 83 days off this year.

one of these subjects wasnt even my fault tho.

that one I got an e in

the teacher was just spurting out political bullshit which made me quit halfway into the year